All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
c4210159643 EMBROIDERY SP _11-17-04_broderie eurocrane.pdf the 90mm width file is EC, the 260mm width file is the rest of the logo without EC please check_circle OK 09:06 12/Nov/2024 67 hours 10 minutes
7f470159625 EMBROIDERY SP -Transparent backgroud. -Light crewneck sweater 280 gr/m2 -Max 8 colors please check_circle OK 09:05 12/Nov/2024 67 hours 11 minutes
6a340159617 EMBROIDERY SP _18-19-08_Visuel cut the threads between the letters please, can you make it without the music notes like in the annex file please check_circle OK 09:05 12/Nov/2024 67 hours 11 minutes
5c540159609 VECTOR SP _12-10-06_unnamed.jpg only the logo and texts please check_circle OK 09:05 12/Nov/2024 67 hours 11 minutes
e3150159607 EMBROIDERY SP _11-07-45_ENSEMBLE DE can you make it like on the right, and make another version with a black background please check_circle OK 09:04 12/Nov/2024 67 hours 11 minutes
b1f40159606 EMBROIDERY SP _09-38-41_HBC SEMUR vecto.pdf can you also send it in U01 please check_circle OK 09:02 12/Nov/2024 67 hours 14 minutes
d0930159672 VECTOR SP _08-37-45_22418_56140a2fdb959be2ad3163895757bd85-07_11_2024 16_23_30.png check_circle OK 08:14 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 2 minutes
e4b80159673 EMBROIDERY SP _08-36-58_SDDR.pdf can you make it with puff 3d please check_circle OK 08:14 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 2 minutes
36520159674 VECTOR SP _08-38-30_1 1.png check_circle OK 08:14 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 2 minutes
8bd60159675 VECTOR SP _08-39-45_IMG_20240918_223342.jpg check_circle OK 08:14 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 2 minutes
082c0159676 VECTOR SP _08-42-05_294422644_531835288733006_4119257153169879185_n.jpg check_circle OK 08:14 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 2 minutes
c0350159677 VECTOR SP _08-43-44_logohubertnc.png check_circle OK 08:14 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 2 minutes
ad9f0159678 VECTOR SP _08-44-31_collectif des check_circle OK 08:14 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 2 minutes
b6cf0159679 VECTOR SP _08-47-13_logo.jpg check_circle OK 08:14 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 2 minutes
85ec0159680 VECTOR SP _08-48-16_decathlon-logo-v2-13-03-2024-tt-width-1200-height-470-crop-1-bgcolor-ffffff-format-single.jpg without the white background please check_circle OK 08:14 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 2 minutes
507b0159681 VECTOR SP _08-49-54_istockphoto-1304314349-1024x1024.jpg without the grey rectangle iStock please check_circle OK 08:14 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 2 minutes
e8aa0159682 VECTOR SP _08-52-43_BJ MIONS.pdf check_circle OK 08:13 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 2 minutes
8ef10159683 VECTOR SP _08-54-06_Untitled 6.png check_circle OK 08:13 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 3 minutes
92a30159684 VECTOR SP _08-55-17_colllege le clezio.png check_circle OK 08:13 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 3 minutes
70150159685 VECTOR SP _08-56-50_IMG_5011.png check_circle OK 08:13 12/Nov/2024 68 hours 3 minutes