All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
09d10152984 VECTOR SP _11-44-33_Logo STB4A.png urgent please sync 09:49 18/Sep/2024 3 hours 37 minutes
a9a70152867 VECTOR SP _17-59-34_Epaule SupexamNantes.jpeg sync 18:00 17/Sep/2024 19 hours 26 minutes
82a50152861 VECTOR SP _17-19-22_cours la traverse.pdf sync 15:22 17/Sep/2024 22 hours 3 minutes
79310152862 VECTOR SP _17-20-36_logo-final-RVB-SSfond.png sync 15:22 17/Sep/2024 22 hours 3 minutes
2d2c0152854 VECTOR SP _16-57-30_Visuel tote bag sync 15:02 17/Sep/2024 22 hours 23 minutes
6a280152841 VECTOR SP _15-27-25_1725980009874.jpg can you add "COUVERTURE ZINGERIE 0612231370" below the logo please sync 14:24 17/Sep/2024 23 hours 1 minutes
b45c0152845 EMBROIDERY SP _15-49-59_t_te-de-gorille-f_roce-vintage-dans-la-casquette-avec-les-machines-tatouage-crois_es-illustra11.jpg sync 14:20 17/Sep/2024 23 hours 6 minutes
56280152823 VECTOR SP _14-14-26_Logo Les Avettes COLOR.pdf sync 14:18 17/Sep/2024 23 hours 7 minutes
4b550152809 EMBROIDERY SP _13-08-16_j luc.JPG sync 12:20 17/Sep/2024 25 hours 6 minutes
23ef0152810 VECTOR SP _13-09-30_BIDART LOGO.jpg sync 12:09 17/Sep/2024 25 hours 16 minutes
00490152806 EMBROIDERY SP _12-26-23_logo BDH 239.png sync 10:40 17/Sep/2024 26 hours 46 minutes
47160152802 VECTOR SP _12-14-22_PCerf seul.png sync 10:15 17/Sep/2024 27 hours 10 minutes
5f310152771 VECTOR SP _10-05-04_LOOS-PLATRERIE-LOGO-2023-FOND-BLANC.jpg sync 08:14 17/Sep/2024 29 hours 12 minutes
977e0152764 EMBROIDERY SP _09-42-49_AECDR.jpg can you put the colors like instructed please sync 07:59 17/Sep/2024 29 hours 26 minutes
34710152651 VECTOR SP _13-38-57_EVENTAIL-queens-transparence.png can you add a black background please sync 12:01 16/Sep/2024 49 hours 24 minutes
926c0146699 VECTOR SP _Nova Sana logo.png sync 10:25 04/Jul/2024 1779 hours 0 minutes
484f0139736 VECTOR SP _Previsualiser la piece jointe Taxi cap.pngTaxi cap.png136 KB.url sync 18:20 03/May/2024 3235 hours 6 minutes
c3820139737 VECTOR SP _Previsualiser la piece jointe LIMPREVU_LOGO_2COUL_7690-136 1.pdfLIMPREVU_LOGO_2COUL_7690-136 1.pdf963 KB.url sync 18:20 03/May/2024 3235 hours 6 minutes
f3490152993 EMBROIDERY SP _12-20-09_Screenshot_20240915_205854_Google.jpg sync 10:40 18/Sep/2024 2 hours 46 minutes
14ae0152998 EMBROIDERY SP _12-32-43_COEUR ASB VERT.png can you put the balloon in another color and the text also please sync 10:35 18/Sep/2024 2 hours 50 minutes