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Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
f5b30159783 EMBROIDERY SP _13-43-33_DAUBY VESTE DOS.pdf check_circle OK 13:08 12/Nov/2024 70 hours 57 minutes
72960159779 EMBROIDERY SP _13-18-25_SECURITE PRIVEE - la chamade 30x10cm 1.pdf check_circle OK 13:08 12/Nov/2024 70 hours 57 minutes
86440159778 EMBROIDERY SP _13-11-18_VECTORISATION 11-2024 - LA PERGOLA 1.pdf check_circle OK 13:08 12/Nov/2024 70 hours 57 minutes
2cea0159777 VECTOR SP _13-11-35_IMG_3911.jpg check_circle OK 15:09 13/Nov/2024 44 hours 56 minutes
8e810159773 VECTOR SP _12-48-34_LOGO ROUGE NOIR.jpg check_circle OK 13:08 12/Nov/2024 70 hours 57 minutes
2f5f0159785 EMBROIDERY SP _13-47-32_REGIS PARK PALACE.pdf extremely urgent, with Park Palace in metal threads, without the holes in ST REGIS ILE DE LOUIS and keep the threads between the letters of ILE ST LOUIS please check_circle OK 13:07 12/Nov/2024 70 hours 58 minutes
2f5b0159772 VECTOR SP _12-23-15_Logo Broderie V1.1.jpg check_circle OK 11:41 12/Nov/2024 72 hours 23 minutes
e54c0159768 EMBROIDERY SP _12-07-03_BRODERIE LATELIER.pdf can you make it for puffy jackets, apron please check_circle OK 11:24 12/Nov/2024 72 hours 40 minutes
f2810159764 EMBROIDERY SP _11-59-56_TGS.png can you put the text at the bottom thicker please check_circle OK 11:24 12/Nov/2024 72 hours 41 minutes
08150159769 EMBROIDERY SP _12-10-11_.pdf check_circle OK 14:47 13/Nov/2024 45 hours 17 minutes
02000159771 VECTOR SP _12-13-25_centalliss.jpg check_circle OK 11:14 12/Nov/2024 72 hours 51 minutes
7ced0159767 VECTOR SP _12-04-25_LOGO ASSO MANGUIN.png check_circle OK 15:08 13/Nov/2024 44 hours 56 minutes
81ef0159759 EMBROIDERY SP _11-56-41_Sword broderie.pdf check_circle OK 11:05 12/Nov/2024 72 hours 59 minutes
5f730159758 VECTOR SP _11-55-05_Capture decran 2024-11-05 a 15.24.48.png check_circle OK 11:05 12/Nov/2024 72 hours 59 minutes
ccf50159762 EMBROIDERY SP _11-59-48_logo check_circle OK 11:05 12/Nov/2024 72 hours 59 minutes
f86a0159763 EMBROIDERY SP _12-00-01_GroupeSermetDos.pdf check_circle OK 11:05 12/Nov/2024 72 hours 59 minutes
c8950159765 VECTOR SP _12-00-28_Logo CLub911.Net - Club911.Net PATCH.png check_circle OK 11:05 12/Nov/2024 72 hours 59 minutes
329e0159757 EMBROIDERY SP _11-44-34_axf broderie .pdf check_circle OK 10:48 12/Nov/2024 73 hours 16 minutes
a4a70159756 EMBROIDERY SP _11-40-43_DPC.png check_circle OK 10:47 12/Nov/2024 73 hours 17 minutes
25880159753 EMBROIDERY SP _11-23-59_S24-5322 - POF - PDC-19730 DB SILENCE.pdf check_circle OK 10:28 12/Nov/2024 73 hours 37 minutes