All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
00810159603 EMBROIDERY SP _07-53-44_COMPTOIR DE LOURS.jpg check_circle OK 09:00 09/Nov/2024 171 hours 35 minutes
b7670159604 EMBROIDERY SP _07-56-19_tma.jpg check_circle OK 09:00 09/Nov/2024 171 hours 35 minutes
e14a0159601 VECTOR SP _22-43-47_Ti Nwel 2.png check_circle OK 00:00 09/Nov/2024 180 hours 35 minutes
22450159602 VECTOR SP _22-46-25_TI NWEL 1-01.jpg check_circle OK 00:00 09/Nov/2024 180 hours 35 minutes
46080159600 VECTOR SP _22-33-12_Foyer Rural de Medecin.png check_circle OK 23:40 08/Nov/2024 180 hours 55 minutes
65800159598 VECTOR SP _22-09-54_10 Solutions.png check_circle OK 23:20 08/Nov/2024 181 hours 15 minutes
de990159599 VECTOR SP _22-15-55_Pro Painting.jpg check_circle OK 23:20 08/Nov/2024 181 hours 15 minutes
9fac0159597 VECTOR SP _21-49-02_C2SMARTER check_circle OK 15:49 12/Nov/2024 92 hours 46 minutes
d0580159594 VECTOR SP _18-33-44_original-1FAAD03C-0BE9-47F7-A49F-49A9417C6CA7.jpeg check_circle OK 19:40 08/Nov/2024 184 hours 55 minutes
62cd0159590 EMBROIDERY SP _18-10-26_The Door Man check_circle OK 19:20 08/Nov/2024 185 hours 15 minutes
10b10159591 EMBROIDERY SP _18-15-13_piquage compagnie des alpes 80 x 32.png check_circle OK 19:20 08/Nov/2024 185 hours 15 minutes
cf320159580 EMBROIDERY SP _17-01-19_BRODERIE -COEUR PEP BON TEMPS.pdf check_circle OK 17:40 08/Nov/2024 186 hours 55 minutes
312b0159588 EMBROIDERY SP _17-49-52_Logo_Breizhacking 1.jpg AVEC COUPE FILS SANS FOND BLANC check_circle OK 17:40 08/Nov/2024 186 hours 55 minutes
31f90159586 VECTOR SP _17-33-46_logo copo rugby perigueux.jpg can you make a version like the original file and another version with the red in transparent please check_circle OK 17:23 08/Nov/2024 187 hours 12 minutes
fe340159587 EMBROIDERY SP _17-38-55_logo-page-footer.png urgent please check_circle OK 17:22 08/Nov/2024 187 hours 12 minutes
de190159574 EMBROIDERY SP Bonjour ci joint logo coeur pour des doudounes, softshells, polos et vestes de cuisisne merci Cordialement hervé check_circle OK 16:20 08/Nov/2024 188 hours 15 minutes
86b80159573 EMBROIDERY SP _16-37-00_Beuf can you make it for puffy jacket, softhslls polo please check_circle OK 16:01 08/Nov/2024 188 hours 33 minutes
10300159572 EMBROIDERY SP _16-36-21_SENSOME.jpg can you put the texts in 7mm high please check_circle OK 16:01 08/Nov/2024 188 hours 34 minutes
5d920159569 EMBROIDERY SP _16-23-42_LOGO can you make it for polo, puffy, softhslls, sweats please check_circle OK 11:37 15/Nov/2024 24 hours 58 minutes
e0750159556 EMBROIDERY SP _15-47-14_LOGO POUR without the blue background please check_circle OK 16:01 08/Nov/2024 188 hours 34 minutes