All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
467e0159404 VECTOR SP _16-50-23_Logo Boris 2.jpg check_circle OK 12:41 08/Nov/2024 208 hours 57 minutes
f0b30159411 VECTOR SP _16-58-42_logo AS Salvador Allende Rezee.pdf check_circle OK 12:41 08/Nov/2024 208 hours 56 minutes
4c710159401 EMBROIDERY SP _16-35-53_V2 interfor ateliers.pdf cut the threads between the letters, can you put another color for Les Ateliers Gourmands please check_circle OK 15:49 07/Nov/2024 229 hours 49 minutes
2ff40159402 VECTOR SP _16-38-36_398143175_122097019646104441_8998311045408680398_n.jpg check_circle OK 15:43 08/Nov/2024 205 hours 55 minutes
ae1a0159400 VECTOR SP _16-34-40_SPGL AFFICHE LOCAL STADE.pdf check_circle OK 15:48 07/Nov/2024 229 hours 49 minutes
80520159394 EMBROIDERY SP _16-01-11_Logo HMDB_Plan de travail 1 copie 2.png can you put the text in Madeira PolyNeon 60 please check_circle OK 15:35 07/Nov/2024 230 hours 3 minutes
1f740159399 EMBROIDERY DVS 6-22-06_logo_dos.png check_circle OK 15:32 07/Nov/2024 230 hours 6 minutes
77920159398 EMBROIDERY SP _16-23-17_AMICALE BAVARIA dos.pdf check_circle OK 15:32 07/Nov/2024 230 hours 6 minutes
07c30159393 VECTOR SP _16-02-39_TITAN.jpg urgent please check_circle OK 15:32 07/Nov/2024 230 hours 6 minutes
68c20159391 VECTOR SP _15-54-16_Logo_Institut_Agro_Rennes-Angers.png check_circle OK 15:31 07/Nov/2024 230 hours 6 minutes
e3dd0159390 VECTOR SP _15-53-43_Logo IDVERDE_Signature 1.jpg check_circle OK 15:31 07/Nov/2024 230 hours 6 minutes
652b0159389 EMBROIDERY SP _15-51-51_citeos.jpg check_circle OK 15:47 08/Nov/2024 205 hours 51 minutes
665c0159388 EMBROIDERY SP 35c0795d_2024-11-07_15-49-00_logo pour broderie.pdf check_circle OK 15:31 07/Nov/2024 230 hours 6 minutes
59000159387 EMBROIDERY SP 2249f0ac_2024-11-07_15-43-48_POLYGONE.png only the orange part please check_circle OK 16:40 08/Nov/2024 204 hours 57 minutes
03f10159330 EMBROIDERY SP _11-34-24_Jeudupellican-broderie.pdf check_circle OK 15:27 07/Nov/2024 230 hours 10 minutes
607a0159392 VECTOR SP _15-54-50_Logo-AS.png check_circle OK 15:07 07/Nov/2024 230 hours 31 minutes
dbd80159386 EMBROIDERY SP _15-33-38_logo et Singes broderie.pdf check_circle OK 14:42 07/Nov/2024 230 hours 56 minutes
74a30159385 EMBROIDERY DVS 5-30-27_logo_avant-droit.png check_circle OK 14:34 07/Nov/2024 231 hours 4 minutes
e3b20159382 EMBROIDERY SP _15-01-59_img.png without the black background please check_circle OK 15:50 12/Nov/2024 109 hours 47 minutes
c5ad0159377 EMBROIDERY SP _14-43-26_La Perla the logo on the left is the 270mm high and the one on the right the 110mm width please check_circle OK 12:21 13/Nov/2024 89 hours 16 minutes