All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
84ea020738 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO-K-NOIR_GD.jpg check_circle 12:00 17/Feb/2020 40613 hours 21 minutes
e963020736 EMBROIDERY SP cosy invictus.pdf we need 3 versions please : - "invictus" 40x40mm with background - "invictus" 40x40mm with background but it's a patch - "le cosy" H:40mm with satin rectangle border check_circle 10:17 18/Feb/2020 40591 hours 4 minutes
63c6020702 VECTOR SP logo_club_des_supporters-removebg-preview.png Nous souhaitons un logo simplifié pour une écharpe tissée dans des coloris unis. check_circle 09:20 17/Feb/2020 40616 hours 1 minutes
ebae020727 EMBROIDERY SP HD_Proclim_VesteCoeurRouge_120220.pdf no background please check_circle 09:13 17/Feb/2020 40616 hours 8 minutes
a071020725 EMBROIDERY SP vp3 output please check_circle 09:13 17/Feb/2020 40616 hours 8 minutes
320f020716 EMBROIDERY SP logo renault abella.pdf Improve the text so we can read it, 2 colors : yellow line + full white please check_circle 11:54 18/Feb/2020 40589 hours 27 minutes
7021020680 VECTOR SP 4 RE.jpg Remove red and green please check_circle 16:14 19/Feb/2020 40561 hours 7 minutes
d0e6020728 EMBROIDERY SP HD_Proclim_VesteDosRouge_120220.pdf pas de fond carré derrière. Merci check_circle 08:40 17/Feb/2020 40616 hours 41 minutes
de5a020726 EMBROIDERY SP CELINE NOMS BLOUSE vecto.eps merci de transformer en format VP3 check_circle 23:40 16/Feb/2020 40625 hours 41 minutes
a545020723 VECTOR SP L_ACAG2 1.JPG check_circle 13:20 16/Feb/2020 40636 hours 1 minutes
c2bf020722 EMBROIDERY SP Logo devant.pdf check_circle 20:40 15/Feb/2020 40652 hours 41 minutes
6462020717 EMBROIDERY SP BLOCK OUT CUP.pdf check_circle 19:20 15/Feb/2020 40654 hours 1 minutes
6462020718 EMBROIDERY SP BLOCK OUT CUP.pdf check_circle 11:59 21/Feb/2020 40517 hours 22 minutes
c9fe020719 EMBROIDERY SP MONTAGNE ESCALADE BLOOCK OUT.png check_circle 19:20 15/Feb/2020 40654 hours 1 minutes
320b020715 EMBROIDERY SP Full white please, no background check_circle 10:09 17/Feb/2020 40615 hours 11 minutes
8373020712 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO_GROUPE_AMETHYS.jpg For the small : without baseline please check_circle 17:45 14/Feb/2020 40679 hours 35 minutes
e58c020711 VECTOR SP LYCEE STENDHALL GRENOBLE.psd round it up please check_circle 17:40 14/Feb/2020 40679 hours 40 minutes
5a33020710 EMBROIDERY SP Logo GRIS ROUGE ubak.jpg full satin, no black background please check_circle 17:40 14/Feb/2020 40679 hours 41 minutes
0153020704 VECTOR SP Logo RVA.jpg Si vous pouvez rendre le trait du dessin un peu plus fluide que le rendu du fil à la broderie svp, merci. check_circle 17:40 14/Feb/2020 40679 hours 41 minutes
2953020703 EMBROIDERY SP MAISON MARIE.png black is white, "maison marie" is red check_circle 17:39 14/Feb/2020 40679 hours 41 minutes