All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
b175018345 CUTTING-LINES SP SARL DUGARDIN - Logo.pdf check_circle 14:00 06/Dec/2019 42209 hours 30 minutes
a7a6018340 VECTOR SP logo.pdf check_circle 12:40 06/Dec/2019 42210 hours 50 minutes
8782018336 DETOUR SP PELLETIER - LOGO.pdf remove the white background please Let a little white outline around the logo please Can you send the PNG file please? check_circle 10:30 06/Dec/2019 42213 hours 0 minutes
059b018333 EMBROIDERY SP ardi pdf.pdf check_circle 10:22 06/Dec/2019 42213 hours 8 minutes
bfee018335 VECTOR DVS logo-coeur-softshell.png check_circle 10:20 06/Dec/2019 42213 hours 10 minutes
3cf7018329 VECTOR SP DOC343.PDF Just the logo with the baseline please check_circle 09:21 06/Dec/2019 42214 hours 8 minutes
9afa018327 EMBROIDERY SP ESPRIT PERGO 7X7.pdf check_circle 09:21 06/Dec/2019 42214 hours 9 minutes
e590018326 EMBROIDERY SP MARCHE-NOIR-COEUR.jpg One for wooly hat and one for cap please check_circle 15:22 09/Dec/2019 42136 hours 7 minutes
10ed018325 EMBROIDERY SP logo Bons Plants Vins.pdf check_circle 09:14 06/Dec/2019 42214 hours 16 minutes
675b018322 EMBROIDERY SP pieuvre.pdf check_circle 09:14 06/Dec/2019 42214 hours 16 minutes
89ef018331 EMBROIDERY SP BRODERIE coeur ARDAGH METAL PACKAGING.pdf Urgent please check_circle 09:04 06/Dec/2019 42214 hours 25 minutes
1b95018321 EMBROIDERY SP il_794xN.1932143174_t07q.jpg pas brodé le noir check_circle 08:20 06/Dec/2019 42215 hours 10 minutes
9e90018318 EMBROIDERY SP COTENTIN TRANSPORT.pdf SANS LE FOND, UNIQUEMENT CAMION ET TEXTE check_circle 21:00 05/Dec/2019 42226 hours 30 minutes
f1c2018319 EMBROIDERY SP iveco.jpg check_circle 21:00 05/Dec/2019 42226 hours 30 minutes
e548018320 EMBROIDERY SP Scania.jpg check_circle 21:00 05/Dec/2019 42226 hours 30 minutes
1b9e018316 VECTOR SP 6 - 444_GEODIS_SITE WEB 2018_CP_LOGO_GRAND - Blanc_1440px.jpg check_circle 20:00 05/Dec/2019 42227 hours 30 minutes
83f9018317 VECTOR SP 20181201224334Chronopost_logo_2015.png check_circle 20:00 05/Dec/2019 42227 hours 30 minutes
a72c018315 VECTOR SP logo MADEMOISELLE.png check_circle 19:20 05/Dec/2019 42228 hours 10 minutes
98a0018314 EMBROIDERY SP SAUCINSEEC - check_circle 17:08 05/Dec/2019 42230 hours 22 minutes
3e28018313 VECTOR SP logo complet sans fond.png check_circle 17:08 05/Dec/2019 42230 hours 22 minutes