All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
4579017030 EMBROIDERY SP UP logo.jpg check_circle 14:00 06/Nov/2019 42868 hours 16 minutes
da94017024 EMBROIDERY SP ZEPHIR DOS.pdf check_circle 12:34 06/Nov/2019 42869 hours 42 minutes
f1c0017023 VECTOR SP LOGO plomb chauff sanit clim.jpg check_circle 12:33 06/Nov/2019 42869 hours 42 minutes
36fb017022 EMBROIDERY SP AUDRAN GROUPE.pdf No gradiant please Make only green and blue parts with text please check_circle 10:37 02/Dec/2019 42247 hours 39 minutes
f687017021 VECTOR SP Can you make a second version in one color please, on this version the orange circle is transparent please check_circle 12:31 06/Nov/2019 42869 hours 45 minutes
b1d8017013 VECTOR SP LOGO NEW YUTZ.PNG check_circle 09:51 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 24 minutes
313d017011 EMBROIDERY SP White threads please check_circle 09:51 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 24 minutes
e324017009 EMBROIDERY SP GRENELLE ENVIRONNEMENT.jpg check_circle 09:51 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 25 minutes
197f017007 EMBROIDERY SP OXYNE - LOGO.jpg Remove all parts under "Oxyne" please check_circle 09:51 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 25 minutes
56e5017005 EMBROIDERY SP P42068 ETAPE AUTO 5CM.jpg check_circle 09:39 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 37 minutes
1b30017004 VECTOR SP tennis de table haut bugey.pdf hair, racquet of the men on left is black please Table, ball and net is black too please And shoes of the men on right is black too please check_circle 09:38 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 37 minutes
f85a017002 EMBROIDERY SP WA_Monogram.eps check_circle 09:32 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 44 minutes
9441017001 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO-GIRAFON-BLEU-BRODERIE.jpg check_circle 16:55 12/Nov/2019 42721 hours 20 minutes
cdf1017000 EMBROIDERY SP licorne check_circle 09:31 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 45 minutes
5d92016996 VECTOR SP sticker_visiere_mt 2.psd check_circle 09:31 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 45 minutes
d5a4016995 VECTOR SP logook.psd Make exactly same colors please check_circle 09:31 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 45 minutes
1a24016992 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO-MANCHE-GAUCHE-OR-9CM.jpg Gold metal threads please check_circle 09:28 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 48 minutes
724f016991 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO-MANCHE-DROITE-BLANC-10CM.jpg check_circle 09:28 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 48 minutes
7e5e016990 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO-DOS-BLANC-26CM.jpg Black part are transparent please check_circle 09:28 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 48 minutes
7316016986 EMBROIDERY SP logo fond gris-1.bmp Text is in dark grey, the tool is in light grey and green, and the line is green please check_circle 09:26 06/Nov/2019 42872 hours 50 minutes