All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
240a016674 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 16:19 28/Oct/2019 43044 hours 10 minutes
42c9016672 EMBROIDERY SP Logo THIEBAUT JOFFREY copie.jpg Threads isacord 40 : 0020 ; 2241 ; 2051 ; 4752 ; 4430 please check_circle 16:18 28/Oct/2019 43044 hours 11 minutes
b0b1016676 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO COEUR NOIR 14x89cm.pdf L: 140mm VERY very urgent please check_circle 14:24 28/Oct/2019 43046 hours 4 minutes
f880016668 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-9079-comite-tir-a-l-arc.png check_circle 14:20 28/Oct/2019 43046 hours 9 minutes
d71f016669 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-9080 comite tire a l arc.png check_circle 14:20 28/Oct/2019 43046 hours 9 minutes
60fb016670 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-9081-FFTA .png check_circle 14:20 28/Oct/2019 43046 hours 9 minutes
c1c1016662 EMBROIDERY SP broderie 7.pdf White please check_circle 10:57 28/Oct/2019 43049 hours 32 minutes
cec0016661 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 10:56 28/Oct/2019 43049 hours 32 minutes
b33f016660 VECTOR SP logo-reseau-crie.jpg check_circle 10:56 28/Oct/2019 43049 hours 32 minutes
2b4c016659 EMBROIDERY SP DOS vetements MOULIN PATRICK.pdf check_circle 10:56 28/Oct/2019 43049 hours 32 minutes
fa90016658 EMBROIDERY SP COEUR vetements MOULIN PATRICK.pdf check_circle 10:56 28/Oct/2019 43049 hours 32 minutes
2bb9016657 EMBROIDERY SP logo 2.png L: 90mm please check_circle 15:07 24/Feb/2020 40261 hours 21 minutes
bbe1016649 VECTOR SP logo quad diemoz.jpg With the white background please check_circle 10:47 28/Oct/2019 43049 hours 41 minutes
ea07016648 EMBROIDERY SP BLOC MARQUE DELPLAST.jpg With the white background please check_circle 10:47 28/Oct/2019 43049 hours 42 minutes
50a2016647 EMBROIDERY SP TENDANCE.jpg With the white background please check_circle 10:47 28/Oct/2019 43049 hours 42 minutes
64d6016638 EMBROIDERY SP Logo_quadri.jpg Please add "" under the logo with a font as close as possible to "domotique" check_circle 10:41 28/Oct/2019 43049 hours 48 minutes
22eb016656 EMBROIDERY SP logo-leBrasseurArverne.pdf check_circle 10:20 28/Oct/2019 43050 hours 9 minutes
803f016426 EMBROIDERY SP FERREOL PDF.pdf Very urgent please check_circle 09:20 28/Oct/2019 43051 hours 8 minutes
fce2016641 EMBROIDERY SP JEANNELEC.jpg check_circle 19:20 26/Oct/2019 43089 hours 9 minutes
bee8016643 EMBROIDERY SP MTC.pdf check_circle 19:20 26/Oct/2019 43089 hours 9 minutes