All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
b634013880 EMBROIDERY SP PAULINE NICOLAS.pdf check_circle 09:07 10/Jul/2019 45634 hours 15 minutes
d979013877 EMBROIDERY SP Logo anjou 1.pdf Very very urgent please check_circle 09:07 10/Jul/2019 45634 hours 15 minutes
474c013871 EMBROIDERY SP Soficom.jpg Make a square in satin around the logo because it's a patch please check_circle 16:22 09/Jul/2019 45651 hours 1 minutes
b7c8013873 VECTOR SP logo armae.jpg check_circle 16:18 09/Jul/2019 45651 hours 5 minutes
7ea3013869 EMBROIDERY SP logo-gouttes.pdf check_circle 13:09 09/Jul/2019 45654 hours 13 minutes
d208013868 EMBROIDERY SP lusine check_circle 11:06 09/Jul/2019 45656 hours 16 minutes
d040013867 EMBROIDERY SP DMP check_circle 13:16 10/Jul/2019 45630 hours 6 minutes
97be013865 VECTOR WITH IMPROVES SP Inkedlogo final horizontal sans photo_LI1.jpg check_circle 10:04 09/Jul/2019 45657 hours 18 minutes
a4de013844 EMBROIDERY SP Capture.JPG The word "CHATEAU" is 10mm high please The word "VIRANT" is 20mm high please check_circle 09:22 09/Jul/2019 45658 hours 1 minutes
5c63013861 VECTOR SP A VECTO.jpg check_circle 09:14 09/Jul/2019 45658 hours 8 minutes
2c4c013863 EMBROIDERY SP Urgent please check_circle 09:14 09/Jul/2019 45658 hours 8 minutes
0180013859 EMBROIDERY SP ELAN - AASGARD.jpg check_circle 17:14 08/Jul/2019 45674 hours 9 minutes
2ed1013858 EMBROIDERY SP AASGARD - LOGO.jpg check_circle 10:50 09/Jul/2019 45656 hours 32 minutes
b9b3013857 VECTOR SP SEED ROOM.JPG check_circle 16:57 08/Jul/2019 45674 hours 25 minutes
3bc5013855 EMBROIDERY SP logo check_circle 16:57 08/Jul/2019 45674 hours 25 minutes
561f013803 EMBROIDERY SP Sans titre-1.psd Urgent please check_circle 16:11 08/Jul/2019 45675 hours 11 minutes
2d0f013854 EMBROIDERY SP _809e013794 trace check_circle 10:41 02/Aug/2019 45104 hours 41 minutes
7a23013851 EMBROIDERY SP logo_corsea_vecto_10ans_2.pdf check_circle 15:37 08/Jul/2019 45675 hours 45 minutes
bea8013847 EMBROIDERY SP Pivert_Broderie.pdf all in green please check_circle 15:07 08/Jul/2019 45676 hours 15 minutes
e0c5013846 EMBROIDERY SP Black Sheep check_circle 15:07 08/Jul/2019 45676 hours 15 minutes