All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
378d012905 EMBROIDERY SP logo PSG.png check_circle 17:05 07/Jun/2019 46380 hours 25 minutes
8995012903 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO BASKET.jpg check_circle 17:05 07/Jun/2019 46380 hours 25 minutes
4933012902 EMBROIDERY SP LIKE COEUR.jpg check_circle 17:05 07/Jun/2019 46380 hours 25 minutes
4358012901 EMBROIDERY SP image tambour.jpg check_circle 17:05 07/Jun/2019 46380 hours 25 minutes
458f012900 VECTOR SP NOUVEAU VALIDE.jpg No white background please check_circle 17:05 07/Jun/2019 46380 hours 25 minutes
9b5a012899 EMBROIDERY SP HAND BALL.jpg check_circle 17:04 07/Jun/2019 46380 hours 25 minutes
cdb2012897 EMBROIDERY SP fleu et oiseau madinina.jpg check_circle 17:04 07/Jun/2019 46380 hours 25 minutes
6179012881 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO CARAVANE CAR.pdf Sorry It's not embroidery it's VECTOR PLEASE, one color, white is transparent check_circle 15:07 07/Jun/2019 46382 hours 23 minutes
9613012891 EMBROIDERY SP Logo coeur 7.5 X 2.4 cm.pdf Program in only three sequences please check_circle 14:51 07/Jun/2019 46382 hours 39 minutes
ceb5012890 EMBROIDERY SP R.pdf Very urgent please check_circle 14:09 07/Jun/2019 46383 hours 21 minutes
7375012887 EMBROIDERY SP Logo Team13 pour casquette.pdf 60mm wide please For cap please check_circle 12:30 07/Jun/2019 46385 hours 0 minutes
5ef7012886 VECTOR SP Saint-Louis-Agglo_logo.jpg check_circle 12:28 07/Jun/2019 46385 hours 1 minutes
a109012885 VECTOR SP blason ascco.png check_circle 12:28 07/Jun/2019 46385 hours 1 minutes
44e6012882 EMBROIDERY SP broderie Casquette long beach broderie SOC HYDRO 0619.pdf check_circle 10:49 07/Jun/2019 46386 hours 41 minutes
88ee012879 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 10:48 07/Jun/2019 46386 hours 42 minutes
133c012878 VECTOR SP Grapfig Logo noir.pdf all in black please check_circle 10:48 07/Jun/2019 46386 hours 42 minutes
876c012873 EMBROIDERY SP logoC2IM.jpg For the little : Remove the little text on bottom For the big : Replace the little sentence by "maintenance- chaudronnerie-serrurerie mécanique" please check_circle 10:42 07/Jun/2019 46386 hours 48 minutes
671b012867 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO check_circle 10:20 07/Jun/2019 46387 hours 9 minutes
df69012866 VECTOR SP 20190606171949235.pdf check_circle 10:20 07/Jun/2019 46387 hours 10 minutes
2eb8012865 EMBROIDERY DVS IMPACT KAIPIH.png check_circle 17:01 10/Jun/2019 46308 hours 29 minutes