All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
d4df012410 EMBROIDERY SP Sigle AM-VF.PNG check_circle 15:27 22/May/2019 46718 hours 14 minutes
8d19012408 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO-UNIZEN-BASE.png check_circle 12:26 22/May/2019 46721 hours 15 minutes
d254012401 EMBROIDERY SP Thibault multiservices_Adhesif 1180x630mm gauche_ind E.png Can you make each part in one different file please? There is 3 parts : Green logo, black text, green text please check_circle 11:49 22/May/2019 46721 hours 52 minutes
3f66012399 VECTOR SP logo_COMTE_pub.png check_circle 09:47 22/May/2019 46723 hours 54 minutes
ced1012396 VECTOR SP Alliance Ecoconstr logo covering.pdf check_circle 09:09 22/May/2019 46724 hours 32 minutes
7215012398 VECTOR SP 18921661_233954030436006_4814829394912924098_n.jpg check_circle 09:08 22/May/2019 46724 hours 33 minutes
af35012391 EMBROIDERY SP nouveau triskel 2019.jpg please cut threads between elements check_circle 18:45 21/May/2019 46738 hours 56 minutes
dd2c012390 EMBROIDERY SP Bernard JUDIC broderie check_circle 18:44 21/May/2019 46738 hours 57 minutes
ce3b012389 VECTOR DVS Logo Canada 1.pdf check_circle 17:27 21/May/2019 46740 hours 14 minutes
a1b0012370 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8508-Jonglut-DOS_03.jpg check_circle 17:23 21/May/2019 46740 hours 17 minutes
a0f5012357 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8500-SUNDAY-LIFE-EPAULE_03.jpg check_circle 17:23 21/May/2019 46740 hours 17 minutes
5dae012355 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8498 - SUNDAY_LIFE-07.jpg check_circle 17:23 21/May/2019 46740 hours 18 minutes
8a34012353 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8496 - Logo dunlop.jpg check_circle 17:23 21/May/2019 46740 hours 18 minutes
38f7012387 VECTOR SP IMG_0924 1.PNG check_circle 09:54 23/May/2019 46699 hours 47 minutes
a016012384 EMBROIDERY SP logo CMSD avec et sans baseline 002.pdf On the top for the big and the other for the little please check_circle 17:03 21/May/2019 46740 hours 38 minutes
bd69012382 VECTOR SP TOSA_BY_ISOGRAD_slogan check_circle 16:46 21/May/2019 46740 hours 55 minutes
638d012383 VECTOR SP BROTHERS.jpg check_circle 12:39 22/May/2019 46721 hours 2 minutes
b58d012377 VECTOR SP safe day badge a reproduire.psd The final must be like the picture on the top right please check_circle 16:46 21/May/2019 46740 hours 55 minutes
9767012379 EMBROIDERY SP balle.pdf check_circle 16:32 21/May/2019 46741 hours 9 minutes
4265012285 VECTOR WITH IMPROVES SP 3 ORCHID27580606_xl.jpg Can you make it with white flower petal, and change the stem color for a green please check_circle 16:44 13/Jun/2019 46212 hours 57 minutes