All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
f44e011808 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 11:33 02/May/2019 47177 hours 45 minutes
935c011807 VECTOR SP Logo Le Combi de Fanny.pdf check_circle 11:33 02/May/2019 47177 hours 45 minutes
ab2c011803 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO dos Esp VErt VACHER.pdf check_circle 10:50 02/May/2019 47178 hours 28 minutes
4fe8011802 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO coeur Esp VErt VACHER.pdf check_circle 10:50 02/May/2019 47178 hours 28 minutes
7840011801 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO coeur Materiel Agri VACHER.pdf check_circle 10:49 02/May/2019 47178 hours 28 minutes
e8af011800 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO dos Materiel Agri VACHER.pdf check_circle 10:49 02/May/2019 47178 hours 29 minutes
28f0011799 EMBROIDERY SP MHL.jpg Only the blue logo "SAS MHL" in 80mm please check_circle 10:49 02/May/2019 47178 hours 29 minutes
83a4011797 VECTOR SP aaa.jpg check_circle 10:48 02/May/2019 47178 hours 30 minutes
8c07011790 VECTOR SP fang.jpg check_circle 10:47 02/May/2019 47178 hours 31 minutes
85b8011789 VECTOR SP cube.jpg check_circle 10:47 02/May/2019 47178 hours 31 minutes
d36a011788 VECTOR SP FAS.pdf No black background please check_circle 10:47 02/May/2019 47178 hours 31 minutes
397c011787 VECTOR SP robi.pdf No blue background please check_circle 10:47 02/May/2019 47178 hours 31 minutes
b308011786 EMBROIDERY SP Logo LJ check_circle 16:50 30/Apr/2019 47244 hours 28 minutes
15a2011768 EMBROIDERY SP scan20190416142859 1.pdf Only the "ambassadeur vinci" logo please check_circle 15:49 30/Apr/2019 47245 hours 29 minutes
1046011777 EMBROIDERY SP AR BATIMENT BRODERIE.pdf Cut the threads please check_circle 15:48 30/Apr/2019 47245 hours 30 minutes
209e011778 VECTOR SP Logo AD.jpg check_circle 15:48 30/Apr/2019 47245 hours 30 minutes
523e011770 EMBROIDERY SP scan20190416142859 1.pdf The "insa strasbourg" logo please check_circle 14:45 30/Apr/2019 47246 hours 33 minutes
dc08011771 EMBROIDERY SP E TOTEM coeur.AI check_circle 14:43 30/Apr/2019 47246 hours 35 minutes
49ca011772 EMBROIDERY SP E TOTEM dos.AI check_circle 14:43 30/Apr/2019 47246 hours 35 minutes
d532011773 EMBROIDERY SP BROD 50 YEARS OF BENOIT.pdf check_circle 14:42 30/Apr/2019 47246 hours 35 minutes