All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
01ba08408 VECTOR DVS DOS_PROJET_12313.jpeg check_circle 17:44 11/Dec/2018 50364 hours 3 minutes
5b0708427 VECTOR SP Logo club rose.JPG check_circle 17:40 11/Dec/2018 50364 hours 7 minutes
e18908424 EMBROIDERY SP LE MARTINEZ BRODERIE SERVICE TECHNIQUE.pdf check_circle 16:47 11/Dec/2018 50365 hours 0 minutes
6ccc08422 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO SARDO BRODERIE.pdf Dimensions are H50 & L90 please check_circle 16:47 11/Dec/2018 50365 hours 0 minutes
d65208417 VECTOR SP vadrouille.jpg check_circle 16:37 11/Dec/2018 50365 hours 10 minutes
0f7308415 VECTOR SP image006.png Urgent please check_circle 15:06 11/Dec/2018 50366 hours 41 minutes
fefb08411 VECTOR WITH IMPROVES SP IMG_5380.JPG Do the background and fill the lorel leaves on black please check_circle 15:02 11/Dec/2018 50366 hours 44 minutes
9f0607560 EMBROIDERY SP Bonnet Veranda Lamour Lamour HD.pdf This one is very urgent,dimensions are wrong, we need this one in 200mm wide please check_circle 14:29 11/Dec/2018 50367 hours 18 minutes
9c9c08409 EMBROIDERY SP logo-athorium-2018-04.jpg check_circle 10:10 11/Dec/2018 50371 hours 36 minutes
5ee708408 EMBROIDERY SP logo-athorium-2018-03.jpg check_circle 10:10 11/Dec/2018 50371 hours 37 minutes
9d1108404 VECTOR SP cap flo.jpg check_circle 10:01 11/Dec/2018 50371 hours 46 minutes
2fa508406 VECTOR SP CCF06112018.pdf check_circle 10:01 11/Dec/2018 50371 hours 46 minutes
a7e508373 VECTOR SP 20181203102754.jpg Please do 0.25mm outline between each elements check_circle 19:40 10/Dec/2018 50386 hours 7 minutes
362d08383 VECTOR SP enedis.jpg check_circle 19:38 10/Dec/2018 50386 hours 8 minutes
e4b508384 VECTOR SP logo acl23.JPG check_circle 19:38 10/Dec/2018 50386 hours 8 minutes
11b408385 VECTOR SP logo Bar du marche.pdf check_circle 19:38 10/Dec/2018 50386 hours 8 minutes
65a808387 VECTOR SP logo Rondet.png check_circle 19:38 10/Dec/2018 50386 hours 8 minutes
58cc08388 VECTOR SP logo-GMP-Ind1.bmp check_circle 19:38 10/Dec/2018 50386 hours 9 minutes
067808390 VECTOR SP solecobois 2.jpg check_circle 19:38 10/Dec/2018 50386 hours 9 minutes
7c6508391 VECTOR SP stade marchois logo 1024x539.jpg check_circle 19:38 10/Dec/2018 50386 hours 9 minutes