All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
6f5008426 EMBROIDERY SP dos sweat ours.jpg Top logo transparent Bear white parts will be piece of fabric appliqué, emboidery in black, grey and red please check_circle 17:51 11/Dec/2018 50387 hours 22 minutes
820f08314 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-7530-LOGO2.jpg Very urgent please check_circle 17:48 11/Dec/2018 50387 hours 25 minutes
06e508420 VECTOR DVS Logo PROJET_12530.png check_circle 17:47 11/Dec/2018 50387 hours 26 minutes
0d8e08386 VECTOR DVS LOGO_PROJET_12332.png check_circle 17:46 11/Dec/2018 50387 hours 26 minutes
01ba08408 VECTOR DVS DOS_PROJET_12313.jpeg check_circle 17:44 11/Dec/2018 50387 hours 29 minutes
5b0708427 VECTOR SP Logo club rose.JPG check_circle 17:40 11/Dec/2018 50387 hours 33 minutes
e18908424 EMBROIDERY SP LE MARTINEZ BRODERIE SERVICE TECHNIQUE.pdf check_circle 16:47 11/Dec/2018 50388 hours 26 minutes
6ccc08422 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO SARDO BRODERIE.pdf Dimensions are H50 & L90 please check_circle 16:47 11/Dec/2018 50388 hours 26 minutes
d65208417 VECTOR SP vadrouille.jpg check_circle 16:37 11/Dec/2018 50388 hours 36 minutes
0f7308415 VECTOR SP image006.png Urgent please check_circle 15:06 11/Dec/2018 50390 hours 7 minutes
fefb08411 VECTOR WITH IMPROVES SP IMG_5380.JPG Do the background and fill the lorel leaves on black please check_circle 15:02 11/Dec/2018 50390 hours 10 minutes
9f0607560 EMBROIDERY SP Bonnet Veranda Lamour Lamour HD.pdf This one is very urgent,dimensions are wrong, we need this one in 200mm wide please check_circle 14:29 11/Dec/2018 50390 hours 43 minutes
9c9c08409 EMBROIDERY SP logo-athorium-2018-04.jpg check_circle 10:10 11/Dec/2018 50395 hours 2 minutes
5ee708408 EMBROIDERY SP logo-athorium-2018-03.jpg check_circle 10:10 11/Dec/2018 50395 hours 2 minutes
9d1108404 VECTOR SP cap flo.jpg check_circle 10:01 11/Dec/2018 50395 hours 11 minutes
2fa508406 VECTOR SP CCF06112018.pdf check_circle 10:01 11/Dec/2018 50395 hours 12 minutes
a7e508373 VECTOR SP 20181203102754.jpg Please do 0.25mm outline between each elements check_circle 19:40 10/Dec/2018 50409 hours 32 minutes
362d08383 VECTOR SP enedis.jpg check_circle 19:38 10/Dec/2018 50409 hours 34 minutes
e4b508384 VECTOR SP logo acl23.JPG check_circle 19:38 10/Dec/2018 50409 hours 34 minutes
11b408385 VECTOR SP logo Bar du marche.pdf check_circle 19:38 10/Dec/2018 50409 hours 34 minutes