All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
f6ff08289 EMBROIDERY SP E- Mp1.pdf All the red background is a piece of fabric appliqué, the white circle too please check_circle 10:39 06/Dec/2018 50483 hours 36 minutes
eb8408288 EMBROIDERY SP K- Psi_2.pdf check_circle 10:34 06/Dec/2018 50483 hours 41 minutes
09b308285 EMBROIDERY SP CONDORCET - LOGO check_circle 10:33 06/Dec/2018 50483 hours 43 minutes
f02708281 EMBROIDERY SP BRAUN22.pdf check_circle 10:31 06/Dec/2018 50483 hours 44 minutes
ab6a08280 EMBROIDERY SP CROCHET MENUISERIE DOS.pdf check_circle 10:31 06/Dec/2018 50483 hours 44 minutes
eea908279 EMBROIDERY SP LVU check_circle 10:31 06/Dec/2018 50483 hours 44 minutes
9aab08278 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 10:31 06/Dec/2018 50483 hours 44 minutes
e28808275 EMBROIDERY SP Logo COEUR.png check_circle 10:31 06/Dec/2018 50483 hours 44 minutes
bc5508274 EMBROIDERY SP Logo DOS.png check_circle 10:31 06/Dec/2018 50483 hours 44 minutes
cc3208271 EMBROIDERY SP La pause Gourmande.pdf Check source file and do the colored one please check_circle 17:02 05/Dec/2018 50501 hours 13 minutes
ee6c08270 EMBROIDERY SP ORIGIN GROUP 1218.pdf check_circle 17:01 05/Dec/2018 50501 hours 14 minutes
070608268 EMBROIDERY SP Fabrice TRICHARD.png check_circle 14:25 05/Dec/2018 50503 hours 50 minutes
2b8408267 EMBROIDERY SP Logo-Crypte-def-CMJN bordeua.png check_circle 14:25 05/Dec/2018 50503 hours 50 minutes
71ba08261 EMBROIDERY SP orne 61.pdf both logos are 210mm wide please check_circle 12:30 05/Dec/2018 50505 hours 45 minutes
61ae08263 EMBROIDERY SP pure alpes.pdf check_circle 12:22 05/Dec/2018 50505 hours 53 minutes
423008260 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 10:46 05/Dec/2018 50507 hours 29 minutes
284008259 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 10:46 05/Dec/2018 50507 hours 29 minutes
338008257 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 10:46 05/Dec/2018 50507 hours 29 minutes
4a1608256 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 10:46 05/Dec/2018 50507 hours 29 minutes
610b08255 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 10:46 05/Dec/2018 50507 hours 29 minutes