All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
124b08187 VECTOR SP Slogan 1.pdf check_circle 19:40 03/Dec/2018 50564 hours 53 minutes
dedb08184 VECTOR SP Clemenceau-PCSI3-2018-Logo-2.jpg check_circle 19:38 03/Dec/2018 50564 hours 55 minutes
05b608183 EMBROIDERY SP ATAWA_BOLD_WHITE 1.png Please make a third one with the dimensions H = 80mm / L = 130mm check_circle 14:56 03/Dec/2018 50569 hours 36 minutes
5b7108182 VECTOR DVS LOGO_COMMANDE_8553FRS.pdf check_circle 14:56 03/Dec/2018 50569 hours 37 minutes
b7fb08178 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-7514-PCSI-9.jpg check_circle 14:55 03/Dec/2018 50569 hours 38 minutes
43b508084 EMBROIDERY SP Logo-les legumes du Urgent please check_circle 14:53 03/Dec/2018 50569 hours 40 minutes
c75308173 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-7512-PHOENIX-100mm.PNG urgent please check_circle 14:00 03/Dec/2018 50570 hours 33 minutes
56f408170 VECTOR DVS IMG_4753.JPG check_circle 11:48 03/Dec/2018 50572 hours 45 minutes
744508169 VECTOR DVS LOGO_PROJET_12473.png check_circle 11:33 03/Dec/2018 50572 hours 59 minutes
1de808168 EMBROIDERY SP 71431 - PPG 10cm.jpg check_circle 11:25 03/Dec/2018 50573 hours 8 minutes
596108167 EMBROIDERY SP EMPREINTE check_circle 11:25 03/Dec/2018 50573 hours 8 minutes
290f08165 VECTOR SP DAF LEFEVRE.jpg check_circle 11:05 03/Dec/2018 50573 hours 28 minutes
c71708163 EMBROIDERY SP ARP.pdf Don't do the grey background, the yellow background will be a piece of fabric please check_circle 10:26 03/Dec/2018 50574 hours 7 minutes
820908161 EMBROIDERY SP 71222 - RCPLOMB 8cm.jpg check_circle 10:24 03/Dec/2018 50574 hours 9 minutes
8dc508160 EMBROIDERY SP 71219 - RCCLIM 8cm.jpg check_circle 10:24 03/Dec/2018 50574 hours 9 minutes
96e208156 VECTOR SP logo martique.psd check_circle 10:23 03/Dec/2018 50574 hours 10 minutes
ca3608155 VECTOR SP US ROBERT.png check_circle 10:23 03/Dec/2018 50574 hours 10 minutes
d4e208154 VECTOR SP logo FCA.png check_circle 10:23 03/Dec/2018 50574 hours 10 minutes
040e08152 EMBROIDERY SP TRANSPORT LECAMUS.PNG check_circle 10:23 03/Dec/2018 50574 hours 10 minutes
f09d08150 EMBROIDERY SP FESTOU INTERIM.jpg check_circle 10:23 03/Dec/2018 50574 hours 10 minutes