All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
d07f015111 EMBROIDERY SP VW COEUR.PDF check_circle 07:13 09/Sep/2019 45143 hours 15 minutes
cadc015107 CUTTING-LINES SP cposer blanc.jpg check_circle 20:00 07/Sep/2019 45178 hours 28 minutes
51b6015105 VECTOR SP logo.pdf check_circle 14:20 07/Sep/2019 45184 hours 8 minutes
72fa015100 EMBROIDERY SP logo cenves check_circle 17:40 06/Sep/2019 45204 hours 48 minutes
69b4015097 VECTOR SP logo petanque.jpg check_circle 17:00 06/Sep/2019 45205 hours 28 minutes
c0ee015095 EMBROIDERY SP 81_Sponsor-E.png check_circle 16:20 06/Sep/2019 45206 hours 8 minutes
7a06015094 VECTOR SP nimoise pure souche logo.PNG replace nîmoise by "Café Latin" please, the font is : Didot fonts check_circle 14:00 06/Sep/2019 45208 hours 28 minutes
7128015093 VECTOR SP gabarit nimois.pdf Replace "Nimois" by "Annaba" please The square outline is red please check_circle 13:46 06/Sep/2019 45208 hours 42 minutes
ad8b015092 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO EBP dos.pdf Make it in white on black background please check_circle 13:38 06/Sep/2019 45208 hours 49 minutes
025b015089 EMBROIDERY SP TRAINING CLUB dos.PDF check_circle 13:38 06/Sep/2019 45208 hours 50 minutes
6a21015087 VECTOR SP solucane-complet pour pub.jpg check_circle 13:36 06/Sep/2019 45208 hours 51 minutes
0c35015086 VECTOR SP t shirt test DEF.pdf 210mm wide Can you make it in halftone please? check_circle 12:37 06/Sep/2019 45209 hours 51 minutes
4733015085 VECTOR SP VOYAGES UNSEN.jpg check_circle 12:14 06/Sep/2019 45210 hours 14 minutes
3290015074 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8853 TOURNAI 90mm.JPG urgent please check_circle 10:16 06/Sep/2019 45212 hours 12 minutes
5b16015076 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8866 Sogefi 90.JPG check_circle 10:14 06/Sep/2019 45212 hours 14 minutes
4e79015083 EMBROIDERY SP LOISIRS ET PASSIONS SPORTS brod coeur.pdf check_circle 10:10 06/Sep/2019 45212 hours 18 minutes
8b1b015068 EMBROIDERY SP rmcc noi.pdf check_circle 09:20 06/Sep/2019 45213 hours 8 minutes
5aa8015059 EMBROIDERY SP SOIGNEUR.png Make it in tatami with satin outline please Can you add the word "SECURITE" please? check_circle 09:03 06/Sep/2019 45213 hours 24 minutes
cb9b015080 EMBROIDERY SP logo gpz.jpg Remove the shadow please check_circle 09:01 06/Sep/2019 45213 hours 26 minutes
9c3c015077 EMBROIDERY SP FOUILLET check_circle 09:01 06/Sep/2019 45213 hours 27 minutes