All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
e7fb017114 EMBROIDERY SP brown is 1773 color threads please check_circle 14:44 08/Nov/2019 45096 hours 21 minutes
04e7017113 VECTOR SP halieutis.pdf check_circle 14:43 08/Nov/2019 45096 hours 21 minutes
9f74017111 EMBROIDERY SP H- PC1.pdf No running stitch please Cut the threads please check_circle 11:40 08/Nov/2019 45099 hours 25 minutes
cbf0017109 EMBROIDERY SP P- MP2.pdf No running stitch please Cut the threads please check_circle 11:39 08/Nov/2019 45099 hours 26 minutes
07d5017107 EMBROIDERY SP Urgent please Use 61513 color threads please check_circle 11:38 08/Nov/2019 45099 hours 26 minutes
200a017104 EMBROIDERY SP broderie Textile TEAM JTS 1119.pdf check_circle 09:22 08/Nov/2019 45101 hours 43 minutes
a752017102 VECTOR SP autos-expertises-conseils.gif check_circle 09:12 08/Nov/2019 45101 hours 53 minutes
7906017099 EMBROIDERY SP logo saint jo Can you make U01 file please check_circle 09:12 08/Nov/2019 45101 hours 53 minutes
268b017096 VECTOR SP beck.jpg check_circle 09:11 08/Nov/2019 45101 hours 54 minutes
43a2017089 EMBROIDERY SP Primagaz.png Cut the threads please check_circle 09:11 08/Nov/2019 45101 hours 54 minutes
6fcc017077 EMBROIDERY SP MIRAGE SANDRINE 2.pdf Cut the threads please check_circle 09:07 08/Nov/2019 45101 hours 58 minutes
f702017084 EMBROIDERY SP BRODERIE coeur ABYLSEN RHONE ALPES.pdf check_circle 17:40 07/Nov/2019 45117 hours 25 minutes
d49d017078 EMBROIDERY SP baret groupe check_circle 14:40 07/Nov/2019 45120 hours 25 minutes
c94e017081 VECTOR SP received_10216631868328623.jpeg check_circle 14:40 07/Nov/2019 45120 hours 25 minutes
741b017082 VECTOR SP received_10216573202702019.jpeg check_circle 14:40 07/Nov/2019 45120 hours 25 minutes
38c5017033 EMBROIDERY SP Capture.JPG Can you make it all in white? only text is in blue navy please check_circle 14:38 07/Nov/2019 45120 hours 27 minutes
ea62017053 VECTOR SP ELOCA_LOGO.eps Make it all in Pantone Reflex Blue C please check_circle 12:53 07/Nov/2019 45122 hours 12 minutes
89d4017075 VECTOR SP logo esclaf.pdf check_circle 12:26 07/Nov/2019 45122 hours 39 minutes
ce9f017074 EMBROIDERY SP Stars in metalic gold please check_circle 12:26 07/Nov/2019 45122 hours 39 minutes
cadc017072 EMBROIDERY SP BONNET BDE TPS - SERICENTER.pdf check_circle 12:25 07/Nov/2019 45122 hours 40 minutes