All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
ef9409646 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-7866-AUROCH_BLANC_CORDON_SWEAT-230.PNG check_circle 18:35 14/Feb/2019 50220 hours 7 minutes
7fff09668 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-7878_CREAJEU-230.PNG check_circle 18:34 14/Feb/2019 50220 hours 8 minutes
74b309669 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-7879-LECOLE_90.PNG check_circle 18:34 14/Feb/2019 50220 hours 8 minutes
3fdd09677 EMBROIDERY SP ALLIANZ.eps The whole logo will be a piece of fabric appliqué please check_circle 19:20 18/Feb/2019 50147 hours 22 minutes
a37209676 VECTOR SP midithermique.pdf check_circle 18:32 14/Feb/2019 50220 hours 10 minutes
8d0509674 EMBROIDERY SP 72633 - EURALTEC 10cm.pdf check_circle 18:31 14/Feb/2019 50220 hours 10 minutes
d1b009666 VECTOR SP CLASS CROUTE.jpg check_circle 18:25 14/Feb/2019 50220 hours 17 minutes
901809665 EMBROIDERY SP MAISON CERCIO 8cm.jpg check_circle 18:25 14/Feb/2019 50220 hours 17 minutes
e15409662 EMBROIDERY SP ARG.pdf check_circle 18:24 14/Feb/2019 50220 hours 18 minutes
f5bd09660 EMBROIDERY SP quai_06_casquette.png check_circle 18:24 14/Feb/2019 50220 hours 18 minutes
add009654 EMBROIDERY SP FEderation-HDC.png Without black background please check_circle 18:21 14/Feb/2019 50220 hours 21 minutes
de6309650 VECTOR SP Logo-sweat.jpg Urgent please check_circle 18:19 14/Feb/2019 50220 hours 22 minutes
3b7e09642 EMBROIDERY SP Logo Dos Agripieces HD.pdf check_circle 18:19 14/Feb/2019 50220 hours 23 minutes
3cb609641 EMBROIDERY SP Logo Coeur Agripieces HD.pdf check_circle 18:19 14/Feb/2019 50220 hours 23 minutes
74ef09631 VECTOR SP logo CDDOC groupe HD.AI Without "groupe archiveco" and the lines around it check_circle 10:41 14/Feb/2019 50228 hours 1 minutes
9bf409635 EMBROIDERY SP Ingebois pocket 95 mm.pdf check_circle 10:33 14/Feb/2019 50228 hours 8 minutes
757609632 EMBROIDERY SP Equipe Medicale 90mm.jpg check_circle 10:33 14/Feb/2019 50228 hours 9 minutes
826309627 EMBROIDERY SP 23915862_2007158906162221_6938941292402241641_n_vectorized.png Use madeira polyneon 40 : 1883 please check_circle 10:31 14/Feb/2019 50228 hours 11 minutes
d44109625 EMBROIDERY SP IMG_0358.PNG 1color check_circle 20:37 13/Feb/2019 50242 hours 5 minutes
fc6a09612 VECTOR DVS LOGO_PROJET_12851.jpg check_circle 18:31 13/Feb/2019 50244 hours 11 minutes