All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
5a8f09159 VECTOR SP _9_apx_1000_ 1.jpg check_circle 20:35 24/Jan/2019 50703 hours 15 minutes
299209155 EMBROIDERY SP ENSEM - improve to not have too much stitch please check_circle 20:35 24/Jan/2019 50703 hours 15 minutes
f84109158 VECTOR SP 18620349_1551715604862284_5683625925680004541_n 1.jpg check_circle 20:34 24/Jan/2019 50703 hours 16 minutes
f06509154 EMBROIDERY SP please use this thread color : brown 61021, noir, gray 61011 + blue 61430 check_circle 20:34 24/Jan/2019 50703 hours 16 minutes
5b9009152 EMBROIDERY SP V_VATEL_H3cm.png check_circle 20:34 24/Jan/2019 50703 hours 16 minutes
d88509151 EMBROIDERY SP please use this color thread : brown 61021,+ blue 61430 check_circle 20:33 24/Jan/2019 50703 hours 16 minutes
498609148 VECTOR SP logo sweat.pdf Remove the Rugby Ball but keep the XIII please check_circle 20:33 24/Jan/2019 50703 hours 17 minutes
194809147 VECTOR SP 2018_MENJ_logo_horizontal_vect.jpg check_circle 20:32 24/Jan/2019 50703 hours 18 minutes
119009146 EMBROIDERY SP Sushiman.jpg check_circle 20:32 24/Jan/2019 50703 hours 18 minutes
397409145 EMBROIDERY SP sn sntm.pdf check_circle 10:53 24/Jan/2019 50712 hours 56 minutes
9c2c09145 EMBROIDERY SP MCLG LOGO 1.PDF Urgent please check_circle 10:53 24/Jan/2019 50712 hours 57 minutes
db1209081 CUTTING-LINES SP texte Skydivevoss Cheval.DST Hello, Sorry we only have a old DST.. we need the same but with Satin outline on each letters, and running stitch outline on the right logo please check_circle 19:48 23/Jan/2019 50728 hours 2 minutes
b57309141 EMBROIDERY SP Transdev.png 60mm wide urgent check_circle 11:43 06/Jun/2019 47520 hours 6 minutes
6b0609139 EMBROIDERY SP Cabaro sans fond.png urgent check_circle 19:46 23/Jan/2019 50728 hours 4 minutes
68b709133 EMBROIDERY SP FARCY FILS - check_circle 19:45 23/Jan/2019 50728 hours 5 minutes
17c409131 VECTOR SP LOGO.JPG this one is urgent please check_circle 15:31 23/Jan/2019 50732 hours 19 minutes
216209134 VECTOR SP logo-spmat.png check_circle 15:26 23/Jan/2019 50732 hours 24 minutes
b12109130 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-7778-LE_GRAND_HOTEL.PNG check_circle 13:51 23/Jan/2019 50733 hours 59 minutes
fec209126 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-7776_VILLA_LOUISE_200mm.jpg check_circle 13:51 23/Jan/2019 50733 hours 59 minutes
9b2309129 EMBROIDERY SP carte 4.jpg Without black background please check_circle 13:51 23/Jan/2019 50733 hours 59 minutes