All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
db1209081 CUTTING-LINES SP texte Skydivevoss Cheval.DST Hello, Sorry we only have a old DST.. we need the same but with Satin outline on each letters, and running stitch outline on the right logo please check_circle 19:48 23/Jan/2019 50717 hours 53 minutes
b57309141 EMBROIDERY SP Transdev.png 60mm wide urgent check_circle 11:43 06/Jun/2019 47509 hours 58 minutes
6b0609139 EMBROIDERY SP Cabaro sans fond.png urgent check_circle 19:46 23/Jan/2019 50717 hours 55 minutes
68b709133 EMBROIDERY SP FARCY FILS - check_circle 19:45 23/Jan/2019 50717 hours 56 minutes
17c409131 VECTOR SP LOGO.JPG this one is urgent please check_circle 15:31 23/Jan/2019 50722 hours 10 minutes
216209134 VECTOR SP logo-spmat.png check_circle 15:26 23/Jan/2019 50722 hours 15 minutes
b12109130 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-7778-LE_GRAND_HOTEL.PNG check_circle 13:51 23/Jan/2019 50723 hours 50 minutes
fec209126 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-7776_VILLA_LOUISE_200mm.jpg check_circle 13:51 23/Jan/2019 50723 hours 50 minutes
9b2309129 EMBROIDERY SP carte 4.jpg Without black background please check_circle 13:51 23/Jan/2019 50723 hours 50 minutes
f5cb09125 EMBROIDERY SP MRT.png Make the vertical line all blue like "MED" and the horizontal one all green like "PACK", don't outline the red letters please check_circle 13:50 23/Jan/2019 50723 hours 51 minutes
3c9d09123 EMBROIDERY SP quaerius.png check_circle 13:49 23/Jan/2019 50723 hours 53 minutes
094b09110 EMBROIDERY SP FRENSH FOOD 1.pdf urgent please check_circle 11:49 23/Jan/2019 50725 hours 52 minutes
d4e409118 VECTOR SP bde_eco_angers_coeur.png check_circle 09:56 23/Jan/2019 50727 hours 45 minutes
329c09115 EMBROIDERY SP DOUDOU C.pdf Please redraw the missing ear check_circle 09:55 23/Jan/2019 50727 hours 46 minutes
765c09114 EMBROIDERY SP Hara de velours.pdf check_circle 09:31 23/Jan/2019 50728 hours 11 minutes
de1f09113 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 19:28 22/Jan/2019 50742 hours 13 minutes
1fdd09112 EMBROIDERY SP MENUISERIE BOTTIN - LOGO BRODERIE.pdf Without "Alexandre le barbey" for the small one please check_circle 19:03 22/Jan/2019 50742 hours 38 minutes
880c09111 EMBROIDERY SP MANAA - All in white please check_circle 18:59 22/Jan/2019 50742 hours 42 minutes
4a5b09109 VECTOR SP apicode pdf.pdf check_circle 18:59 22/Jan/2019 50742 hours 42 minutes
b87209108 VECTOR SP LOGO.jpg check_circle 18:59 22/Jan/2019 50742 hours 42 minutes