All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
f8c208226 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 19:47 04/Dec/2018 51847 hours 43 minutes
b53408225 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO KURUK OFFICIAL arriere plan.pdf check_circle 15:54 04/Dec/2018 51851 hours 36 minutes
13fb08222 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-7525-10.PNG check_circle 15:54 04/Dec/2018 51851 hours 36 minutes
b0b908220 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-7523-COMU.PNG check_circle 15:54 04/Dec/2018 51851 hours 36 minutes
ae8108218 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-7519-EFOA-23.jpg check_circle 15:53 04/Dec/2018 51851 hours 36 minutes
460d08215 EMBROIDERY SP Logo glob express.png check_circle 15:34 04/Dec/2018 51851 hours 56 minutes
e80f08212 EMBROIDERY SP sweat femme cracaente.pdf check_circle 15:34 04/Dec/2018 51851 hours 56 minutes
941508210 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 15:33 04/Dec/2018 51851 hours 57 minutes
dab508209 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 15:33 04/Dec/2018 51851 hours 57 minutes
06be08208 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 15:33 04/Dec/2018 51851 hours 57 minutes
3fd408206 EMBROIDERY SP LA PIAZZA BRODERIE TOQUE.pdf Without the black background please check_circle 15:33 04/Dec/2018 51851 hours 57 minutes
2c9408204 EMBROIDERY SP SwingCat-Logo.png check_circle 15:32 04/Dec/2018 51851 hours 58 minutes
e45a08203 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 15:32 04/Dec/2018 51851 hours 58 minutes
e34408202 EMBROIDERY SP Make it white please check_circle 10:20 04/Dec/2018 51857 hours 9 minutes
bf5608201 EMBROIDERY SP LA NORMANDE - Gunold threads 61446 + 61395 please check_circle 10:20 04/Dec/2018 51857 hours 10 minutes
145a08200 VECTOR SP Sans titre 12.pdf check_circle 10:20 04/Dec/2018 51857 hours 10 minutes
164008190 EMBROIDERY SP C- Psi_1.pdf Yellow is color of the sweat, then let transparent. The top white part, and the bottom white part will be piece of fabrics appliqué check_circle 20:19 03/Dec/2018 51871 hours 11 minutes
ae6e08191 EMBROIDERY SP Logo coeur St Louis.pdf will be stitched with thin thread check_circle 20:14 03/Dec/2018 51871 hours 16 minutes
0c4b08189 EMBROIDERY SP B- Pc1.pdf the black is the color of the sweat, and red is piece of fabrics appliqué check_circle 20:13 03/Dec/2018 51871 hours 17 minutes
86b808105 EMBROIDERY SP SARL PINSON DOS.jpg very urgent check_circle 20:12 03/Dec/2018 51871 hours 18 minutes