All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
fad8014944 VECTOR SP logo-les-vasates.pdf check_circle 10:32 03/Sep/2019 47247 hours 22 minutes
93b9014941 VECTOR SP Logo-HteDef-Servipac-Salazie.jpg Can you give me the pantone reference you use? please check_circle 08:59 03/Sep/2019 47248 hours 55 minutes
58fd014939 VECTOR SP CarteBostt-R.psd please check the source file please check_circle 08:19 03/Sep/2019 47249 hours 34 minutes
f731014938 VECTOR SP Capture-du2019ecran-2019-08-29-a-16.01.15-555x680.png check_circle 08:07 03/Sep/2019 47249 hours 47 minutes
26f6014937 EMBROIDERY SP logoMR_signature-internet.png No white background please check_circle 08:07 03/Sep/2019 47249 hours 47 minutes
edff014935 VECTOR SP SP-Saint-Fort.pdf Can you vectorize it and add a cutting outline please ? check_circle 08:06 03/Sep/2019 47249 hours 47 minutes
d0d8014934 EMBROIDERY SP LA VIE EST BELLE.pdf Green with black outline please check_circle 08:05 03/Sep/2019 47249 hours 48 minutes
95be014886 BRODSURNOMS SP Programme ecusson.svg The first line : 35mm high The second line : 35mm high The last line : 290mm wide please check_circle 07:22 03/Sep/2019 47250 hours 32 minutes
0ec7014933 VECTOR SP logo fc mexy 1.jpg check_circle 07:20 03/Sep/2019 47250 hours 34 minutes
4872014924 EMBROIDERY SP fichier1.pdf Use the thread madeira polyneon 40 1981 please check_circle 07:17 03/Sep/2019 47250 hours 36 minutes
7854014923 EMBROIDERY SP FHMETAL.jpg No black background please check_circle 07:17 03/Sep/2019 47250 hours 37 minutes
5fcf014930 EMBROIDERY SP Pierre Leclerc Peinture dos.pdf No gradient please Cut the threads please check_circle 07:11 03/Sep/2019 47250 hours 42 minutes
f4fa014929 EMBROIDERY SP PLP coeur.pdf No gradient please Cut the threads please check_circle 07:11 03/Sep/2019 47250 hours 43 minutes
c76f014927 EMBROIDERY SP HEC _ ok.pdf Cut the threads please check_circle 07:09 03/Sep/2019 47250 hours 44 minutes
229b014931 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO STAPS LYON.pdf check_circle 15:52 03/Sep/2019 47242 hours 2 minutes
8e6e014926 EMBROIDERY SP PwC - strategy __ ok.pdf check_circle 18:00 02/Sep/2019 47263 hours 54 minutes
62d4014922 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8843 Polytech 100mm.JPG check_circle 14:53 02/Sep/2019 47267 hours 1 minutes
5819014919 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8839 Homer 230.JPG check_circle 14:52 02/Sep/2019 47267 hours 1 minutes
031c014918 EMBROIDERY SP ecurie de iris.jpg check_circle 14:43 02/Sep/2019 47267 hours 11 minutes
a284014916 EMBROIDERY SP LaSalle-SaintLaurent.pdf Star in one color please check_circle 13:49 02/Sep/2019 47268 hours 5 minutes