All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
d501014885 EMBROIDERY DVS Logo Integra.png check_circle 16:06 30/Aug/2019 47307 hours 43 minutes
f073014873 VECTOR SP AFFICHE 5 A NETTOYER .pdf 424mm wide please check_circle 12:52 30/Aug/2019 47310 hours 58 minutes
b712014866 VECTOR SP Marquage_DREALNA.odt check_circle 09:36 30/Aug/2019 47314 hours 13 minutes
6e48014865 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8832 Eclair 80mm.JPG The logo must enter in a circle of 90 mm please check_circle 08:51 30/Aug/2019 47314 hours 59 minutes
51d3014864 VECTOR DVS Logo-201908-7868-16028-DVS-8838.png check_circle 08:45 30/Aug/2019 47315 hours 5 minutes
5bf2014860 EMBROIDERY SP BAT - SABAROT - BRODERIE.pdf Urgent please check_circle 07:23 30/Aug/2019 47316 hours 27 minutes
29f5014852 VECTOR SP Chiffonnette lunettes - Vigilance Partagee.pdf urgent check_circle 18:30 29/Aug/2019 47329 hours 20 minutes
cd57014857 EMBROIDERY SP polo shirt GNAT1_2.pdf MERCI DE FAIRE LE FRONT BREAST AVEC LE LOGO BLEU check_circle 18:30 29/Aug/2019 47329 hours 20 minutes
9f0f014849 VECTOR DVS Etiquette Kaipih x Meraki.png check_circle 17:30 29/Aug/2019 47330 hours 20 minutes
90e0014850 EMBROIDERY SP IMG-20190622-WA0018.jpg TRES TRES URGENT Bonjour Pas de fils entre les lettres ni points stichs merci check_circle 17:30 29/Aug/2019 47330 hours 20 minutes
8c4a014848 EMBROIDERY SP Broder sur un cadre 10/10cm, support t-shirt et fabrication de patch check_circle 16:30 29/Aug/2019 47331 hours 20 minutes
2c06014840 EMBROIDERY DVS LOGO-16003-DVS-8834.PNG urgent écusson check_circle 15:30 29/Aug/2019 47332 hours 20 minutes
a60f014841 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8830 Girl 120mm.JPG Il doit entrer dans un cercle de 140mm de diamètre check_circle 15:30 29/Aug/2019 47332 hours 20 minutes
4c83014842 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8831 Bouche 80mm.JPG Il doit entrer dans un cercle de 90mm de diamètre check_circle 15:30 29/Aug/2019 47332 hours 20 minutes
4dd8014843 VECTOR SP ATH LOGO - bleu2 bleu 300U gris 423U.jpg check_circle 15:01 29/Aug/2019 47332 hours 49 minutes
43ef014845 VECTOR SP kfamc grenoble.jpg Can you make one version with the work "Grenoble" and without please check_circle 14:55 29/Aug/2019 47332 hours 54 minutes
7858014846 EMBROIDERY SP logo baseline grise et site.pdf check_circle 14:54 29/Aug/2019 47332 hours 55 minutes
aabe014847 EMBROIDERY SP ATTITUDE MANCHE - MARQUEUR.pdf check_circle 14:54 29/Aug/2019 47332 hours 55 minutes
803f014839 EMBROIDERY SP MR_BRODERIE_OK.pdf check_circle 18:26 29/Jan/2020 43729 hours 24 minutes
e8c8014837 VECTOR SP FB_IMG_1516444370015.jpg Remove the red background and text please check_circle 10:29 29/Aug/2019 47337 hours 21 minutes