All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
e740013671 VECTOR SP logo FCPE.png check_circle 14:56 01/Jul/2019 48559 hours 35 minutes
5d52013670 VECTOR SP Logo TECCHO V2 Michelin.png check_circle 14:51 01/Jul/2019 48559 hours 40 minutes
253e013669 EMBROIDERY SP ALASSO DES 4 VENTS - White threads please check_circle 14:36 01/Jul/2019 48559 hours 55 minutes
9778013663 VECTOR SP dos.png There is a very little blue outline around the drawing, please remove it check_circle 14:36 01/Jul/2019 48559 hours 55 minutes
c726013662 EMBROIDERY SP LOG_EquipAvenue.jpg Remove the grey part with text please check_circle 10:55 30/Mar/2020 42035 hours 35 minutes
48c7013659 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8658 RENUE COEUR-80.jpg check_circle 16:07 28/Jun/2019 48654 hours 24 minutes
f704013657 VECTOR SP LOGO CLUB DE LALBATROS.jpg check_circle 14:34 28/Jun/2019 48655 hours 57 minutes
22bf013654 EMBROIDERY SP received_399678137312435.jpeg Remove red text please check_circle 13:29 28/Jun/2019 48657 hours 2 minutes
819b013650 VECTOR SP logo BHS.gif check_circle 12:01 28/Jun/2019 48658 hours 30 minutes
775c013649 EMBROIDERY SP BC ESCHAU - casquettes BAT.pdf check_circle 12:01 28/Jun/2019 48658 hours 30 minutes
4f99013647 VECTOR SP DISTREP.jpg check_circle 12:00 28/Jun/2019 48658 hours 31 minutes
3b80013646 VECTOR SP LOGO 2.png check_circle 12:00 28/Jun/2019 48658 hours 31 minutes
7b61013644 EMBROIDERY SP LOGIFEL brod dos 33cm.pdf Start the embroidery on the left and finish it on the right please check_circle 11:59 28/Jun/2019 48658 hours 32 minutes
dfc2013642 EMBROIDERY SP LOGIFEL brod coeur 810cm.pdf Make the two dimension please Start the embroidery on the left and finish it on the right please check_circle 16:04 08/Jul/2019 48390 hours 27 minutes
837e013641 EMBROIDERY SP GUIRAUD - Z SPORT - LOGO.pdf check_circle 11:58 28/Jun/2019 48658 hours 33 minutes
b9c7013638 EMBROIDERY SP logo ELM - Lamotte beuvron.pdf check_circle 10:51 28/Jun/2019 48659 hours 40 minutes
d2f6013637 EMBROIDERY SP GCB.jpg check_circle 09:13 28/Jun/2019 48661 hours 18 minutes
76c6013612 EMBROIDERY SP BENJAMIN COREEN 10 Urgent please Cut the threads please check_circle 09:11 28/Jun/2019 48661 hours 20 minutes
7223013607 VECTOR SP pompier.png check_circle 09:10 28/Jun/2019 48661 hours 21 minutes
0581013605 VECTOR SP Logo SE SOUVY Elec 1.pdf check_circle 09:10 28/Jun/2019 48661 hours 21 minutes