All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
c6e908528 EMBROIDERY SP ICONE-LO-A-LABOUCHE-03.png urgent check_circle 18:52 14/Dec/2018 52901 hours 1 minutes
66ed08530 EMBROIDERY SP Herver paulus logo 1.pdf urgent check_circle 18:52 14/Dec/2018 52901 hours 1 minutes
b71a08527 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO SWEAT SOL NOEL.eps check_circle 18:52 14/Dec/2018 52901 hours 1 minutes
b10b08525 EMBROIDERY SP MASTER PROSPECTIVE.png in white please check_circle 18:52 14/Dec/2018 52901 hours 1 minutes
a9fe08515 EMBROIDERY SP SMCB - LOGO.jpg Replace black by white please, don't fill the white part of the ball check_circle 12:41 14/Dec/2018 52907 hours 12 minutes
f84d08517 EMBROIDERY SP NOUVEAU YATHELEC.jpg check_circle 12:41 14/Dec/2018 52907 hours 13 minutes
b9fe08519 VECTOR SP carmen.pdf Only the tree please check_circle 12:40 14/Dec/2018 52907 hours 14 minutes
9e2d08522 EMBROIDERY SP Logo_ESF.eps Make the red circle black and 'courchevel 1650' + 'moriond' white please. Without background check_circle 12:35 14/Dec/2018 52907 hours 18 minutes
ebb208513 VECTOR DVS KALENERGIE LOGO_PROJET11732.bmp check_circle 10:08 14/Dec/2018 52909 hours 45 minutes
539208506 EMBROIDERY SP ETPO COEUR.pdf check_circle 10:03 14/Dec/2018 52909 hours 50 minutes
39e108509 VECTOR SP la lorri.pdf Only the top logo please check_circle 10:01 14/Dec/2018 52909 hours 52 minutes
03c408510 EMBROIDERY SP D- MP_1.pdf The blue part of the sea and the white part of the wale will be pieces of fabric appliqué please check_circle 10:01 14/Dec/2018 52909 hours 53 minutes
8fb108512 EMBROIDERY SP IMG-0256.JPG Urgent please check_circle 10:00 14/Dec/2018 52909 hours 54 minutes
cf4508504 EMBROIDERY SP vin.pdf check_circle 19:51 13/Dec/2018 52924 hours 2 minutes
8d1908503 EMBROIDERY SP LCDC Logo La Cuisine.pdf 2 colors check_circle 19:51 13/Dec/2018 52924 hours 2 minutes
c63508502 VECTOR SP 22.gif please rotate check_circle 19:50 13/Dec/2018 52924 hours 3 minutes
fa1a08501 VECTOR SP dom.jpg check_circle 19:50 13/Dec/2018 52924 hours 3 minutes
a8e808499 CUTTING-LINES SP mariee.jpg Cutting lines on woman and her dress only please check_circle 16:36 13/Dec/2018 52927 hours 17 minutes
b85308500 EMBROIDERY SP 46968779_1131712103657546_2142913875811500032_n.jpg Without background please check_circle 16:25 13/Dec/2018 52927 hours 29 minutes
8a8e08498 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 14:43 13/Dec/2018 52929 hours 10 minutes