All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
f58a0159098 EMBROIDERY SP 944cfe90_2024-11-06_09-31-00_LOGO final.pdf check_circle OK 09:18 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 12 minutes
6fd10159089 EMBROIDERY SP _09-13-38_905946391312103553.jpg can you simplify it, without gradients please check_circle OK 09:18 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 12 minutes
aed10159086 EMBROIDERY SP _09-02-24_RARP broderie .pdf can you make it for sofshells, polo please check_circle OK 09:17 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 12 minutes
32a10159054 EMBROIDERY SP _19-15-46_roubeyrie dos for the 250mm width : Please apply tatami stitching for the blue area and the gray reflection. Make the lettering thicker and use satin stitching. Add a satin outline around the "Global Roubeyrie" text that goes around the blue and gray areas. 100mm width : Please remove the "Plomberie" text, keeping only "Roubeyrie SAS." Thank you. check_circle OK 14:51 08/Nov/2024 231 hours 39 minutes
d0300159112 VECTOR SP _10-11-49_RVB Logo-noir-avec-fond.png check_circle OK 09:14 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 16 minutes
31370159111 VECTOR SP _10-06-48_LogoDM20x 1.png check_circle OK 09:08 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 21 minutes
18bd0159083 EMBROIDERY SP _08-55-40_Logo dos.png check_circle OK 09:00 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 30 minutes
b3e20159087 EMBROIDERY SP _09-06-38_CFAIE VAL DE check_circle OK 09:00 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 30 minutes
07a60159093 EMBROIDERY SP _09-18-41_Logo couleur coeur.pdf Bonjour ci-joint logo pour des softshells, doudounes, polaires Merci cordialement Hervé check_circle OK 09:00 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 30 minutes
77150159094 EMBROIDERY SP _09-18-28_logo 1.jpg check_circle OK 09:00 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 30 minutes
9bc80159076 EMBROIDERY SP _08-38-28_LOGO GVT CASQUETTE.jpeg only the text without the logo at the top please check_circle OK 08:46 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 43 minutes
5efb0159075 EMBROIDERY SP _08-39-35_HESTIA-Dos.pdf without the grey background please check_circle OK 12:33 08/Nov/2024 233 hours 56 minutes
82b50159073 EMBROIDERY SP _08-37-36_HESTIA-Coeur.pdf without the grey background please check_circle OK 12:33 08/Nov/2024 233 hours 56 minutes
28a30159097 VECTOR SP _09-35-47_PHOTO-2024-11-06-09-35-06.jpg check_circle OK 08:42 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 48 minutes
7a090159096 VECTOR SP _09-31-34_SD Services.png check_circle OK 08:42 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 48 minutes
3cd80159080 VECTOR SP _08-52-42_Ligue Normandie.png check_circle OK 08:42 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 48 minutes
64e80159079 VECTOR SP _08-52-02_USEP 61.png check_circle OK 08:42 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 48 minutes
778f0159064 VECTOR SP _08-10-25_logo la ruche trans.png check_circle OK 08:41 06/Nov/2024 285 hours 48 minutes
6cb00159059 VECTOR SP check_circle OK 08:20 06/Nov/2024 286 hours 10 minutes
df7b0159066 VECTOR SP 7bd6b9d2_2024-11-06_08-16-13_9050a017-2275-413b-9f1a-9e4797b32a2b.JPG check_circle OK 08:03 06/Nov/2024 286 hours 26 minutes