All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
5c7e0166441 EMBROIDERY SP _10-09-05_hypo.png check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 71 hours 24 minutes
928c0166440 EMBROIDERY SP _10-07-03_BRLR_LOGO_SWEAT.png check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 71 hours 24 minutes
3ac50166439 EMBROIDERY SP _10-04-06_Logo.png check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 71 hours 24 minutes
fc290166438 EMBROIDERY SP _10-01-48_basecanyon.JPG check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 71 hours 24 minutes
44a00166437 EMBROIDERY SP _09-59-53_AR ZINC.png check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 71 hours 24 minutes
40890166435 EMBROIDERY SP _09-58-55_Pghm Logo.pdf check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 71 hours 24 minutes
c5bb0166434 VECTOR SP _09-57-24_448236598_452359314083149_1704265014600129467_n.jpg check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 71 hours 24 minutes
40320166433 EMBROIDERY SP _09-54-44_BROD 780653 MC.pdf For the 90mm file don't do the text on the base line Cut the threads between the letters please check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 71 hours 24 minutes
93370166432 EMBROIDERY SP _09-52-56_Felisaz Logo Brod.pdf check_circle OK 09:27 23/Dec/2024 71 hours 25 minutes
47f10166431 EMBROIDERY SP _09-51-18_BROD 780634 cut the threads between the letters please check_circle OK 09:27 23/Dec/2024 71 hours 25 minutes
bd9b0166425 EMBROIDERY SP _08-50-33_MAMIE.JPG check_circle OK 08:47 23/Dec/2024 72 hours 5 minutes
e0d40166429 EMBROIDERY SP 26aab53a_2024-12-23_09-42-18_Capture decran 2024-12-23 a 09.42.05.png check_circle OK 08:47 23/Dec/2024 72 hours 5 minutes
14fd0166430 EMBROIDERY SP _09-41-12_TRACTEUR.jpg Just do the tractor and the corn on the left check_circle OK 08:46 23/Dec/2024 72 hours 6 minutes
b3cc0166428 EMBROIDERY SP _09-33-00_Design sans titre 1.svg check_circle OK 08:42 23/Dec/2024 72 hours 10 minutes
81b60166389 VECTOR SP _17-12-09_Eo-lise Logo Def 9.pdf Font "Eo-Lise" > Amsterdam One Font "Masage Bien-ĂȘtre" > Poiret Color > #E6C068 check_circle OK 08:41 23/Dec/2024 72 hours 11 minutes
c6c50166402 EMBROIDERY SP _13-26-38_monogramme_lt.png Can you do the program with 2 color One for each letter the "L" and the "T" Thanks check_circle OK 08:40 23/Dec/2024 72 hours 12 minutes
2c200166405 EMBROIDERY SP _17-51-47_sublime-noir-sans-font.png cut the threads between the letters please Just do the letter not the background please check_circle OK 08:39 23/Dec/2024 72 hours 13 minutes
7bc00166406 EMBROIDERY SP 3c8c8169_2024-12-22_17-52-24_WhatsApp Image 2024-12-22 at 17.11.01 1.jpeg Could you create different versions for thin T-shirts, polos, sweatshirts, and jackets, with varying density for each material? The logo should be filled but not cause holes in the fabric. For the 90mm file: Could you slightly thicken the text, as thin letters tear the fabric? Make the text at 90mm and reduce the circle size so it does not exceed 60mm. For the 220mm file: Thicken the text, similar to the heart design. .pes and .dst please check_circle OK 08:39 23/Dec/2024 72 hours 13 minutes
e38c0166411 VECTOR SP _07-34-36_1.png close the shapes check_circle OK 08:33 23/Dec/2024 72 hours 19 minutes
1ebe0166412 VECTOR SP _07-35-32_2.png close the shapes check_circle OK 08:33 23/Dec/2024 72 hours 19 minutes