All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
611d0158804 EMBROIDERY SP _21-16-04_BCE LOGO sans fond.png can you make it for polo and softshells, without the white outline for the letters BEAUJOLAIS CARS EVENTS please check_circle OK 10:14 06/Nov/2024 331 hours 23 minutes
b1a10158800 EMBROIDERY SP _19-37-48_2014 - LOGO SANITHERMIC 1181 X 591 .pdf cut the threads between the letters please check_circle OK 08:21 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 16 minutes
4cb90158795 VECTOR SP _17-54-31_Visuel Reseaux - 2024-11-04T172604.757.png can you put the MM at the bottom right in white with black outlines like the rest of letters please check_circle OK 08:21 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 17 minutes
f8d70158786 EMBROIDERY SP _17-30-14_la ferme dozance.png can you put the text bigger on the 80mm width file please check_circle OK 08:20 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 18 minutes
b4910158785 EMBROIDERY SP _17-30-13_avnier_pascal_broderie_sacrifice.png hello lot of density please thank you have a nice day check_circle OK 08:20 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 18 minutes
40860158811 EMBROIDERY SP _08-24-27_Tote Bag.jpg check_circle OK 08:20 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 18 minutes
d4710158815 EMBROIDERY SP _08-43-44_logo guardtex check_circle OK 08:20 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 18 minutes
f8240158821 EMBROIDERY SP _08-52-32_NK 90x20.png check_circle OK 08:20 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 18 minutes
5cdf0158827 EMBROIDERY SP _09-08-50_LOGO DLD BLANC.png check_circle OK 08:20 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 18 minutes
50430158807 VECTOR SP _07-04-28_9b5b3013-5e0c-439b-991c-062939a4c782.jpg check_circle OK 08:18 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 20 minutes
6aa20158808 VECTOR SP _07-05-29_logo raid.png check_circle OK 08:18 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 20 minutes
a8e40158810 VECTOR SP _08-12-39_IMG-20241002-WA0001.jpg check_circle OK 08:18 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 20 minutes
ed0e0158814 EMBROIDERY SP _08-41-32_AT Nettoyage broderie dos.pdf urgent please check_circle OK 08:18 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 20 minutes
d7f80158817 VECTOR SP _08-45-43_product-1-visual-1.png check_circle OK 08:17 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 20 minutes
14150158819 VECTOR SP _08-48-49_logo club 202115.pdf check_circle OK 08:17 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 20 minutes
fbd80158825 VECTOR SP _09-04-19_logo BV vdef fond transparent 1.png check_circle OK 08:17 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 21 minutes
b1c10158826 VECTOR SP _09-08-26_scann faucon.pdf check_circle OK 08:17 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 21 minutes
b7270158820 VECTOR SP _08-50-53_IMG_7039.jpeg check_circle OK 08:05 05/Nov/2024 357 hours 33 minutes
94ef0158803 VECTOR SP _20-51-17_7635FF2F-4B18-4793-B3DA-AFCA8E30402E.JPG check_circle OK 22:00 04/Nov/2024 367 hours 38 minutes
e5d50158801 EMBROIDERY SP _19-42-54_LOGO ENR RENOV.pdf Ajout des coupe-fils - check_circle OK 21:00 04/Nov/2024 368 hours 38 minutes