All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
440d017371 EMBROIDERY SP juju a brod.psd check_circle 17:20 18/Nov/2019 42595 hours 7 minutes
d672017367 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO TRADI-CHAPE check_circle 16:26 25/Nov/2019 42428 hours 1 minutes
db6d017368 EMBROIDERY SP pochette.pdf B Cdt Noëlle check_circle 17:00 18/Nov/2019 42595 hours 27 minutes
dbbe017369 EMBROIDERY SP Logo Coeur T-shirt BES EXE Broderie.pdf check_circle 17:00 18/Nov/2019 42595 hours 27 minutes
f9a0017365 VECTOR SP CSE-LOM Logo.pdf check_circle 16:40 18/Nov/2019 42595 hours 47 minutes
7364017356 EMBROIDERY SP RENO DE FRANCE.jpg check_circle 15:00 18/Nov/2019 42597 hours 27 minutes
e5ea017353 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO METAFOR.pdf check_circle 14:00 18/Nov/2019 42598 hours 27 minutes
2e0a017347 VECTOR WITH IMPROVES SP IMG_0416.JPG Vector please check_circle 13:06 18/Nov/2019 42599 hours 21 minutes
940d017350 VECTOR SP logo flocage.docx-1.docx check_circle 13:00 18/Nov/2019 42599 hours 27 minutes
ef72017348 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle 11:35 23/Jul/2021 27984 hours 52 minutes
cf8f017346 EMBROIDERY SP Rouge et Jaune.png check_circle 12:20 18/Nov/2019 42600 hours 7 minutes
67a0017343 CUTTING-LINES SP LUDO1.jpg check_circle 11:00 18/Nov/2019 42601 hours 27 minutes
56e0017325 EMBROIDERY SP M- PSI etoile 2.pdf Blue parts of the helmet will be pieces of fabric appliqué, the face and the white circle inside the helmet need to be in cooper color. Cut the threads please check_circle 20:21 19/Nov/2019 42568 hours 6 minutes
f005017335 EMBROIDERY SP POLE PARAMEDICAL.png Without shadows check_circle 09:21 18/Nov/2019 42603 hours 6 minutes
1690017336 VECTOR SP logo-amical-vitteaux-proposition-16-11-19-v01.jpg Without blue background check_circle 09:21 18/Nov/2019 42603 hours 6 minutes
3595017323 EMBROIDERY SP E- PSI 3.pdf please cut threads between letter, no running stitch please check_circle 08:49 18/Nov/2019 42603 hours 38 minutes
d7f0017324 EMBROIDERY SP D- PSI etoile 1.pdf Cut threads between letter please, and no running stitch please check_circle 08:48 18/Nov/2019 42603 hours 39 minutes
8e54017326 EMBROIDERY SP MDL STAFF Coeur.pdf Please cut threads between letters, no running stitch only satin please, we will stitch with thin threads. You can simplify eyes and leafs check_circle 08:48 18/Nov/2019 42603 hours 39 minutes
715e017339 VECTOR SP Logo_HCLaSalvetat1.jpg check_circle 01:20 18/Nov/2019 42611 hours 7 minutes
1793017337 VECTOR SP 61f362ef-8f5b-4446-9aae-b128363f8ff2.png check_circle 22:20 17/Nov/2019 42614 hours 7 minutes