All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
54a4015768 VECTOR SP chargeur 1.pdf check_circle 09:54 01/Oct/2019 43757 hours 32 minutes
025e015767 EMBROIDERY SP SKB-Shotguns-logo.jpg Make one version in 110mm wide and an other version 45mm high please check_circle 09:53 01/Oct/2019 43757 hours 32 minutes
16f7015766 EMBROIDERY SP armurerie.jpg check_circle 09:37 01/Oct/2019 43757 hours 48 minutes
1ab1015765 VECTOR SP logo durand.png Can you make one version with the white background in the logo, and an other without please? check_circle 09:27 01/Oct/2019 43757 hours 59 minutes
0de0015764 EMBROIDERY SP IMG_2213 2.jpg Improve the logo please Make real fruit in color, and text with a real font please Send the jef file please check_circle 09:23 01/Oct/2019 43758 hours 2 minutes
0e73015763 VECTOR SP siremballage_dauphin_quadri.png check_circle 09:20 01/Oct/2019 43758 hours 5 minutes
2c00015762 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8968 SYDO coeur68 dos69.JPG Urgent please check_circle 09:05 01/Oct/2019 43758 hours 20 minutes
d882015761 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-8967 TEAM LIGHTAIR 230high.JPG check_circle 09:05 01/Oct/2019 43758 hours 20 minutes
3c6e015757 VECTOR SP QR_code_CE_HYATT.png check_circle 07:54 01/Oct/2019 43759 hours 31 minutes
25bc015756 VECTOR SP LOGO EN TROIS COULEURS.jpg check_circle 07:54 01/Oct/2019 43759 hours 31 minutes
a857015755 VECTOR SP 913539.jpg check_circle 07:53 01/Oct/2019 43759 hours 32 minutes
3ab6015754 VECTOR SP logo-trail-de-montagnole_100 2019.jpg check_circle 07:26 01/Oct/2019 43759 hours 59 minutes
3f35015752 EMBROIDERY SP AZ JPG.jpg check_circle 07:25 01/Oct/2019 43760 hours 0 minutes
ad19015751 EMBROIDERY SP EXPECTRA BRODERIE.pdf Cut the threads please check_circle 12:17 04/Oct/2019 43683 hours 8 minutes
c7d2015748 VECTOR SP WP_20190920_14_51_28_Pro.jpg check_circle 16:23 30/Sep/2019 43775 hours 2 minutes
53a6015747 EMBROIDERY SP logo Rizom.png 80 mm wide check_circle 16:22 30/Sep/2019 43775 hours 3 minutes
9872015746 VECTOR SP dessin montbeliarde.jpg check_circle 16:22 30/Sep/2019 43775 hours 3 minutes
3be8015743 VECTOR SP LOGO CSE 1.jpg check_circle 13:51 30/Sep/2019 43777 hours 34 minutes
9374015745 VECTOR SP logofiault2019-2.pdf check_circle 09:50 01/Oct/2019 43757 hours 35 minutes
9a47015740 EMBROIDERY SP AUVERGNE PRO SERVICES check_circle 12:22 30/Sep/2019 43779 hours 3 minutes