All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
40f60159239 EMBROIDERY SP _18-37-12_Logo_Metz Artilleurs_2025.png check_circle OK 19:40 06/Nov/2024 265 hours 11 minutes
84180159235 VECTOR SP _17-58-38_Logo pour vetements ST GEOIRS.docx check_circle OK 19:00 06/Nov/2024 265 hours 51 minutes
76140159234 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle OK 16:51 06/Nov/2024 268 hours 0 minutes
77960159233 VECTOR SP _17-31-45_0.jpg check_circle OK 16:51 06/Nov/2024 268 hours 0 minutes
4a930159232 EMBROIDERY SP _17-28-33_HONORE check_circle OK 16:50 06/Nov/2024 268 hours 1 minutes
8d690159231 EMBROIDERY SP 62d3a158_2024-11-06_17-15-41_FBR856-BIGMAT-BOGOTA.png check_circle OK 16:50 06/Nov/2024 268 hours 1 minutes
c9970159230 VECTOR SP _17-14-23_SMP.pdf check_circle OK 16:50 06/Nov/2024 268 hours 1 minutes
1c460159227 EMBROIDERY SP _16-50-02_SWISS TEAM DOS BLANC.pdf check_circle OK 15:18 07/Nov/2024 245 hours 33 minutes
694d0159225 VECTOR SP _16-48-57_logo_saint-francois-longchamp_v1.png check_circle OK 16:15 06/Nov/2024 268 hours 36 minutes
b8e50159220 EMBROIDERY SP _16-26-08_LOGO EPAULE GAUCHE C0511 - BDE PHARMA check_circle OK 15:40 06/Nov/2024 269 hours 11 minutes
cde90159217 VECTOR SP _16-18-47_SE-logo.png check_circle OK 15:21 06/Nov/2024 269 hours 30 minutes
65310159212 VECTOR SP 2a8865a3_2024-11-06_15-52-24_logo varacaisses.PNG check_circle OK 15:21 06/Nov/2024 269 hours 30 minutes
66640159209 EMBROIDERY SP _15-46-04_Logo can you make it in the color 1521 please check_circle OK 15:21 06/Nov/2024 269 hours 30 minutes
92540159201 EMBROIDERY SP _15-33-50_logobroderie-dos-parcnaturelhautesure.pdf the annex file is the 119mm width file please check_circle OK 15:20 06/Nov/2024 269 hours 31 minutes
f8bd0159197 VECTOR SP _15-26-49_IMG-20241102-WA0009.jpg without the black background please check_circle OK 15:20 06/Nov/2024 269 hours 31 minutes
67bc0159172 EMBROIDERY SP _13-20-43_1727969518923.jpg can you make it for thin tees - polo - sweats and puffy jackets, can you make the text thicker, for EBL it's only the red part please check_circle OK 11:07 07/Nov/2024 249 hours 44 minutes
47f10159165 EMBROIDERY SP _13-47-23_1368_Broderie Coeur 10x10cm.pdf can you make it like in the annex file for polo, fleece and work clothes please check_circle OK 15:19 06/Nov/2024 269 hours 32 minutes
58c80159215 EMBROIDERY SP 57281e0f_2024-11-06_16-04-18_logo broderie.pdf check_circle OK 11:20 07/Nov/2024 249 hours 31 minutes
f68b0159214 EMBROIDERY SP 5208d0c4_2024-11-06_16-02-56_logo broderie.pdf check_circle OK 11:20 07/Nov/2024 249 hours 31 minutes
fdcd0159211 VECTOR SP _15-55-16_Logo dos - POUssE definitif.png check_circle OK 15:01 06/Nov/2024 269 hours 50 minutes