All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
08ff0159208 EMBROIDERY SP _15-46-06_Logo Carreaux Jumeaux 7.svg check_circle OK 15:01 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 21 minutes
f9660159206 VECTOR SP _15-42-50_Logo-AS.png check_circle OK 15:01 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 21 minutes
23fc0159205 VECTOR SP _15-41-01_Logo_Institut_Agro_Rennes-Angers.png check_circle OK 15:01 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 21 minutes
f6d30159204 VECTOR SP _15-40-02_Logo IDVERDE_Signature 1.jpg keep the white background please check_circle OK 15:01 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 21 minutes
4cf20159202 VECTOR SP _15-37-46_Screenshot 2024-11-06 11.32.35.png without the white background please check_circle OK 15:00 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 21 minutes
38ac0159203 VECTOR SP _15-38-43_Sujet 1.png check_circle OK 15:00 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 21 minutes
879b0159169 EMBROIDERY SP 9ee69cbb_2024-11-06_14-06-54_LOGO 3 BLANC ET ROUGE.pdf without the black background please check_circle OK 14:28 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 53 minutes
90220159189 VECTOR SP _15-19-13_CODEP.jpg check_circle OK 14:28 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 53 minutes
f3c80159190 VECTOR SP _15-20-48_LOGO_SD_FINAL.png check_circle OK 14:28 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 53 minutes
c8a50159191 VECTOR SP _15-21-24_SMC_LOGO.png check_circle OK 14:28 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 53 minutes
12ca0159192 VECTOR SP _15-21-43_IMG_5969.jpg check_circle OK 11:07 07/Nov/2024 251 hours 14 minutes
f69f0159193 VECTOR SP _15-21-56_BANDEAU_HD_FINAL.png check_circle OK 14:28 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 53 minutes
5f010159194 VECTOR SP _15-23-06_logo-header blanc 2.png check_circle OK 11:57 08/Nov/2024 226 hours 24 minutes
6e080159195 VECTOR SP _15-24-54_Screenshot 2024-11-06 11.33.36.png without the white background please check_circle OK 11:58 08/Nov/2024 226 hours 24 minutes
7c450159196 VECTOR DVS _15-25-48_Face.png check_circle OK 14:28 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 53 minutes
7e380159164 EMBROIDERY SP _13-47-49_ICI_Nord_V_CMJN_Blanc.pdf can you put the small texts in Madeira PolyNeon 60 please check_circle OK 12:36 08/Nov/2024 225 hours 45 minutes
2e3c0159161 EMBROIDERY SP 03e6f255_2024-11-06_13-25-34_IMG_2757.PNG can you make ENTREPRISE POITRIMOL in another color please check_circle OK 12:19 08/Nov/2024 226 hours 2 minutes
71c20159175 EMBROIDERY SP _15-00-21_a votre service broderie dos blanc.eps check_circle OK 14:25 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 56 minutes
61270159176 EMBROIDERY SP _15-01-43_les filles de la coop a votre service broderie dos blanc.eps check_circle OK 14:25 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 56 minutes
52980159178 VECTOR SP _15-05-16_AUDREY 1 1.png check_circle OK 14:25 06/Nov/2024 271 hours 56 minutes