All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
3fae016539 EMBROIDERY SP Chouette Habitat dos broderie.pdf Cut the threads please check_circle 07:38 24/Oct/2019 45228 hours 25 minutes
9cef016538 EMBROIDERY SP Chouette Habitat coeur broderie.pdf Cut the threads please check_circle 07:38 24/Oct/2019 45228 hours 25 minutes
3191016549 EMBROIDERY SP YESPARK.jpg check_circle 19:20 23/Oct/2019 45240 hours 43 minutes
9f31016550 EMBROIDERY SP ALGLAVE.pdf check_circle 19:20 23/Oct/2019 45240 hours 43 minutes
9bb6016543 EMBROIDERY SP CYGNE ROUGE - COEUR.pdf check_circle 18:00 23/Oct/2019 45242 hours 3 minutes
a6a6015850 EMBROIDERY SP logo HF.PNG Hello, We already ordered this one on other stitcher but it was very bad. We need a perfect square on the logo, it will be stitched on poloshirt. This one is urgent please and we need a sampler on poloshirt too please. check_circle 15:52 23/Oct/2019 45244 hours 11 minutes
3176016534 EMBROIDERY SP DreamFly_FC.pdf Only the text please All in tatami please check_circle 14:16 23/Oct/2019 45245 hours 47 minutes
bfff016533 VECTOR SP logo.png check_circle 14:15 23/Oct/2019 45245 hours 47 minutes
34ee016483 EMBROIDERY SP Flowers by Can you make a version with all the logo and an other with only the "R." please? check_circle 13:39 23/Oct/2019 45246 hours 24 minutes
b1bd016517 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-9047 BICHAT 220 coeur48.JPG check_circle 13:20 23/Oct/2019 45246 hours 43 minutes
cb47016519 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-9054 INSTITUT 1985 90mm.JPG check_circle 13:20 23/Oct/2019 45246 hours 43 minutes
7755016522 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-9058 P1 90mm.JPG check_circle 13:50 25/Oct/2019 45198 hours 13 minutes
72ec016530 EMBROIDERY SP gerardmer auto passion.jpg check_circle 13:02 23/Oct/2019 45247 hours 0 minutes
395f016528 EMBROIDERY SP Broderie dos 25cm check_circle 15:13 08/Dec/2020 35428 hours 49 minutes
8698016526 EMBROIDERY SP TEAM check_circle 12:11 23/Oct/2019 45247 hours 51 minutes
3ad1016525 EMBROIDERY SP Urgent please check_circle 11:56 23/Oct/2019 45248 hours 7 minutes
5bb9016513 EMBROIDERY SP M-AZUR_CONSO.pdf check_circle 10:58 23/Oct/2019 45249 hours 5 minutes
c311016502 VECTOR DVS USSM-Jerem.jpg check_circle 10:00 23/Oct/2019 45250 hours 3 minutes
82da016512 VECTOR SP PLANCHE DE TRF.psd Make only the logo on the left please check_circle 09:37 23/Oct/2019 45250 hours 26 minutes
6767016509 VECTOR SP nataraja_eq40.png All in one color of brown please check_circle 09:35 23/Oct/2019 45250 hours 28 minutes