All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
4855016445 EMBROIDERY SP CIAO.jpg Wilcom e2 please check_circle 08:47 22/Oct/2019 45260 hours 46 minutes
694b016444 VECTOR SP VISUEL BACHE BATIM AND CO.jpg Remove the black frame around the logo please check_circle 08:46 22/Oct/2019 45260 hours 46 minutes
aea1016443 EMBROIDERY SP Logo Jacquemard 2014 vecto check_circle 08:46 22/Oct/2019 45260 hours 47 minutes
a6c6016441 EMBROIDERY SP logo check_circle 08:45 22/Oct/2019 45260 hours 48 minutes
f7e4016439 VECTOR SP Logo BioSante.png check_circle 08:45 22/Oct/2019 45260 hours 48 minutes
7d46016435 EMBROIDERY SP ANTIDOTE-TAILLE-REELLE.jpg ATTENTION : client très exigeant check_circle 12:11 24/Oct/2019 45209 hours 21 minutes
a0dd016437 EMBROIDERY SP POISON-TAILLE-REELLE.jpg ATTENTION : client très exigeant check_circle 08:00 22/Oct/2019 45261 hours 33 minutes
c35f016434 EMBROIDERY SP BRODERIE-OP-2.jpg check_circle 13:04 24/Oct/2019 45208 hours 29 minutes
57e5016433 VECTOR SP logo CYCLE ATTITUDE.jpg check_circle 00:00 22/Oct/2019 45269 hours 33 minutes
a050016432 VECTOR SP Logo ISAT Volley.png check_circle 19:00 21/Oct/2019 45274 hours 33 minutes
6e66016429 EMBROIDERY SP AMICALE POMPIERS ST SEVER.jpg check_circle 17:20 21/Oct/2019 45276 hours 13 minutes
3215016428 EMBROIDERY SP broderie apel st charles.pdf check_circle 16:40 21/Oct/2019 45276 hours 53 minutes
6409016414 EMBROIDERY DVS face.png check_circle 14:20 21/Oct/2019 45279 hours 13 minutes
1464016427 EMBROIDERY SP LOGO_PUBLICDOMAIN_GOOD Can you make the u01 file please? check_circle 14:13 21/Oct/2019 45279 hours 19 minutes
8786016425 VECTOR SP Logo.png check_circle 14:04 21/Oct/2019 45279 hours 28 minutes
98af016421 EMBROIDERY SP 1-BROD-7446.jpg check_circle 14:03 21/Oct/2019 45279 hours 30 minutes
2a9e016420 EMBROIDERY SP 1-BROD-MANCHE-NOIRBLANC 1.jpg check_circle 14:03 21/Oct/2019 45279 hours 30 minutes
06eb016416 VECTOR SP B_B_LOGO_1C.eps All in one color please check_circle 13:59 21/Oct/2019 45279 hours 33 minutes
50de016413 VECTOR SP LOGO BASELINE.PNG check_circle 13:59 21/Oct/2019 45279 hours 34 minutes
f182016408 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-9033 Club dance 230.JPG check_circle 13:20 21/Oct/2019 45280 hours 13 minutes