All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
f74d016303 EMBROIDERY SP BAT Textile HAULOTTE GROUP Reims 1019.eps check_circle 09:19 17/Oct/2019 45349 hours 16 minutes
ab77016298 EMBROIDERY SP logo sftp quadri check_circle 09:17 17/Oct/2019 45349 hours 17 minutes
ab20016296 VECTOR SP gravure gourde d8.pdf check_circle 09:17 17/Oct/2019 45349 hours 18 minutes
9149016295 VECTOR SP fresh your day by D8.pdf check_circle 09:17 17/Oct/2019 45349 hours 18 minutes
90b4016292 EMBROIDERY SP IMG_8922.PNG Remove the text please Use two colors please, brown and gold please check_circle 08:59 22/Feb/2021 33517 hours 36 minutes
d989016302 VECTOR SP COLLEGE WALCH.pdf Urgent please, without white backgrounds check_circle 08:51 17/Oct/2019 45349 hours 44 minutes
1187016120 EMBROIDERY SP Very urgent please Blue 61468 and white please check_circle 07:23 17/Oct/2019 45351 hours 12 minutes
c162016284 EMBROIDERY SP ACCROCHE check_circle 14:51 16/Oct/2019 45367 hours 44 minutes
314c016281 VECTOR SP logo_elinau_logogel 1.jpg check_circle 12:43 25/Oct/2019 45153 hours 51 minutes
283e016280 EMBROIDERY SP GB_logo_blanc.pdf all in white please check_circle 14:50 16/Oct/2019 45367 hours 44 minutes
e951016278 VECTOR SP 5fd0faec-4c77-4240-a6b2-e26f54120b43.JPG check_circle 14:49 16/Oct/2019 45367 hours 46 minutes
b25f016277 VECTOR SP IMG_5609.JPG No background please check_circle 14:49 16/Oct/2019 45367 hours 46 minutes
9474016275 EMBROIDERY SP LMA check_circle 14:49 16/Oct/2019 45367 hours 46 minutes
d2ab016266 EMBROIDERY SP ecusson gendarmerie V3.png check_circle 09:53 17/Oct/2019 45348 hours 42 minutes
9889016273 VECTOR SP Medaille ENNEADE 1.jpg Make it in two file please The gold part and the grey part please check_circle 13:52 16/Oct/2019 45368 hours 42 minutes
c3ea016272 EMBROIDERY SP logo_Joinville_NB broderie.eps check_circle 13:51 16/Oct/2019 45368 hours 43 minutes
1b2e016262 EMBROIDERY DVS DVS-9016 Campus HB 230.JPG check_circle 13:20 16/Oct/2019 45369 hours 15 minutes
1863016270 EMBROIDERY SP RECRU.pdf check_circle 12:56 16/Oct/2019 45369 hours 39 minutes
37ad016269 EMBROIDERY SP 2kdos.pdf check_circle 12:56 16/Oct/2019 45369 hours 39 minutes
52d2016268 EMBROIDERY SP 2K.pdf check_circle 12:56 16/Oct/2019 45369 hours 39 minutes