All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
3eef016255 VECTOR SP Logo sac goodies.jpg Very urgent please, it's for today please check_circle 10:45 16/Oct/2019 45359 hours 26 minutes
86e1016254 EMBROIDERY SP FRONTONAS VETERANS 1019.pdf check_circle 10:44 16/Oct/2019 45359 hours 27 minutes
1810016249 VECTOR SP SHOTOKAN KARATE DO GIERES.jpg check_circle 10:10 21/Oct/2019 45240 hours 2 minutes
9640016250 VECTOR SP SHOTOKAN KARATE DO ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL.jpg check_circle 10:40 16/Oct/2019 45359 hours 32 minutes
1d9b016251 VECTOR SP KARATE DOS VIF.jpg check_circle 10:40 16/Oct/2019 45359 hours 32 minutes
1729016246 EMBROIDERY SP FTEN_410x85_logo buste_brd.pdf Urgent please All in tatami please check_circle 08:10 16/Oct/2019 45362 hours 1 minutes
dee1016245 EMBROIDERY SP FTEN_150x80_logo dos_brd.pdf Urgent please All in tatami please check_circle 08:10 16/Oct/2019 45362 hours 1 minutes
e5de016243 EMBROIDERY SP CB_70x53_logo bras_brd.pdf Urgent please All in tatami please check_circle 08:10 16/Oct/2019 45362 hours 1 minutes
33ff016241 VECTOR SP IMG_20191016_084907.jpg Don't make the white outline please check_circle 08:09 16/Oct/2019 45362 hours 2 minutes
0671016239 EMBROIDERY SP logo PM SIMPLE.jpg Add "port maréé" in 90mm wide under the logo, use the same font like the actual text please check_circle 08:03 16/Oct/2019 45362 hours 9 minutes
74d3016233 EMBROIDERY SP JBS Coppelia.pdf Cut the threads please check_circle 08:01 16/Oct/2019 45362 hours 11 minutes
5ffc016224 EMBROIDERY SP logo AXA Can you make the u01 file please check_circle 08:00 16/Oct/2019 45362 hours 12 minutes
853f016232 EMBROIDERY SP CPA BRODERIE.JPG check_circle 18:00 15/Oct/2019 45376 hours 12 minutes
64f9016230 EMBROIDERY SP logo AXA fichiers .EMB exigé check_circle 17:40 15/Oct/2019 45376 hours 32 minutes
f104016217 EMBROIDERY DVS ecusson-201910-8043-16751.png dimension: 6cm x 5cm check_circle 15:40 15/Oct/2019 45378 hours 32 minutes
99e3016218 EMBROIDERY SP Make the u01 file please check_circle 14:01 15/Oct/2019 45380 hours 11 minutes
f895016211 EMBROIDERY SP Logo A R 2ok.eps remove the background please check_circle 11:48 28/Oct/2019 45070 hours 24 minutes
47f4016210 EMBROIDERY SP Logo NXO Telecom vectorise.eps check_circle 10:41 15/Oct/2019 45383 hours 30 minutes
90e6016207 EMBROIDERY SP BRODERIE DOS.pdf check_circle 10:40 15/Oct/2019 45383 hours 31 minutes
2e7d016206 EMBROIDERY SP BRODERIE COEUR.pdf check_circle 10:40 15/Oct/2019 45383 hours 31 minutes