All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
d65d0159179 VECTOR SP _15-06-33_basket hulluch.png check_circle OK 14:25 06/Nov/2024 273 hours 53 minutes
8a4c0159181 EMBROIDERY SP _15-08-52_logo check_circle OK 14:24 06/Nov/2024 273 hours 53 minutes
d8050159182 VECTOR SP _15-09-08_logo_basket 1.png check_circle OK 14:24 06/Nov/2024 273 hours 53 minutes
c0590159183 VECTOR SP _15-09-57_Logo ISAE-SUPAERO blanc_300dpi 1.png check_circle OK 14:24 06/Nov/2024 273 hours 53 minutes
ad280159184 VECTOR SP _15-11-03_16fd4bb7-e15c-40d7-b8a5-9135117a6a46-removebg-preview 2.png check_circle OK 14:24 06/Nov/2024 273 hours 53 minutes
26f40159185 VECTOR SP _15-12-03_image 16 1.png check_circle OK 14:24 06/Nov/2024 273 hours 53 minutes
fd4e0159186 VECTOR SP _15-11-11_Capture_logo-removebg-preview.png check_circle OK 14:24 06/Nov/2024 273 hours 53 minutes
5ffc0159187 VECTOR SP _15-15-54_Capture decran 2024-11-05 145219 check_circle OK 14:24 06/Nov/2024 273 hours 53 minutes
dc010159171 EMBROIDERY SP _14-11-39_GB BAT .eps check_circle OK 13:40 06/Nov/2024 274 hours 38 minutes
18a90159157 VECTOR SP _12-45-38_Loritz.pdf can you make it in 50mm high please check_circle OK 13:33 06/Nov/2024 274 hours 44 minutes
af730159156 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle OK 13:33 06/Nov/2024 274 hours 44 minutes
56c30159173 VECTOR SP c0e51ffb_2024-11-06_14-15-58_pro-fMEnkEAi.jpeg check_circle OK 13:33 06/Nov/2024 274 hours 45 minutes
f9f10159160 VECTOR SP _13-38-07_logo ga.pdf check_circle OK 13:13 06/Nov/2024 275 hours 4 minutes
5b1a0159162 VECTOR SP _13-41-30_thumbnail_logo .jpg check_circle OK 13:13 06/Nov/2024 275 hours 4 minutes
39390159166 EMBROIDERY DVS 4-00-59_logo_coeur.png check_circle OK 13:13 06/Nov/2024 275 hours 4 minutes
530e0159167 EMBROIDERY SP _14-04-17_LOGO SUPERPICTOR COMITE DES FETES check_circle OK 13:13 06/Nov/2024 275 hours 4 minutes
81420159148 EMBROIDERY SP _11-34-24_71117_2021-04-26_13-55-42_LOGO - sans BASE LINE.png based on the emb in the annex file can you put the text in white and make it in 225mm width please check_circle OK 11:34 06/Nov/2024 276 hours 43 minutes
e9f80159147 VECTOR SP _11-33-36_Logo MLPB_Horizontal 3.png can you put "Nouvelle Aquitaine" in white please check_circle OK 11:50 07/Nov/2024 252 hours 27 minutes
11ea0159146 VECTOR SP _11-36-28_Apercu_NET.jpg can you make it in 2 colors grey and black please check_circle OK 11:19 06/Nov/2024 276 hours 58 minutes
f4310159140 EMBROIDERY SP _09-11-56_Courtin_logo_c.png can you add a satin outline around the tatami part please check_circle OK 11:19 06/Nov/2024 276 hours 59 minutes