All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
e3af0158833 EMBROIDERY SP 4cfc9788_2024-11-05_09-18-23_Just Be Brillant etoile .pdf can you also make it in 50mm high for a cap please check_circle OK 11:24 07/Nov/2024 287 hours 10 minutes
77720158834 VECTOR SP _09-22-53_FICHIER don't make the photo in vecto you can keep it as is please check_circle OK 11:00 08/Nov/2024 263 hours 34 minutes
a5600158713 VECTOR SP _14-33-34_Kevin.jpg only the texts please check_circle OK 09:15 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 19 minutes
d5470158832 VECTOR SP _09-15-34_PRESLIN check_circle OK 09:12 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 22 minutes
e7fd0158836 VECTOR SP _09-24-43_FICHIER check_circle OK 09:12 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 22 minutes
fdb80158837 VECTOR SP _09-25-49_LOGO JSP.jpg check_circle OK 09:12 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 22 minutes
1c760158838 VECTOR SP _09-27-22_logo asso vibes connexions.pdf check_circle OK 09:12 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 22 minutes
98fb0158867 VECTOR SP _09-57-40_AS JUDO DRANCY check_circle OK 09:12 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 22 minutes
232d0158876 VECTOR SP _10-09-56_Logo Pirot et Fils.png check_circle OK 09:12 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 22 minutes
39220158847 EMBROIDERY SP 88b9c462_2024-11-05_09-34-19_Capture decran 2024-11-05 093230.png check_circle OK 09:00 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 35 minutes
31b70158850 EMBROIDERY SP _09-37-57_GROUPE EPID VAUBAN check_circle OK 17:21 07/Nov/2024 281 hours 13 minutes
a6610158864 EMBROIDERY SP _09-54-50_OKA BEER check_circle OK 09:00 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 35 minutes
cc2d0158841 VECTOR SP _09-28-38_Logo-JSP-Ploermel-sansfond.png check_circle OK 08:59 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 35 minutes
a6350158852 VECTOR SP _09-36-05_Diapositive1 2.JPG check_circle OK 08:59 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 36 minutes
ba8e0158854 VECTOR SP _09-44-07_logo brod coca.jpg check_circle OK 09:50 08/Nov/2024 264 hours 44 minutes
1c0b0158866 VECTOR SP _09-56-48_LOGO NAULET SACS A PAIN.docx check_circle OK 08:58 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 36 minutes
6e120158829 EMBROIDERY SP _09-07-55_20241104_115220.jpg very urgent, based on the emb in the attached file, can you add a the top of the logo rounded "1924 - 2024" in white in the font arial in 70mm width please check_circle OK 12:27 13/Nov/2024 142 hours 7 minutes
8aaf0158823 EMBROIDERY SP _08-58-19_Logo Esthetic car 24 copie 1.png without the green gradients. For both sizes can you make 2 versions one with the black background and one without it please check_circle OK 11:10 08/Nov/2024 263 hours 24 minutes
0c540158822 EMBROIDERY SP _08-57-20_W36617A_COEUR_SWEAT.pdf cut the threads between the letters. can you make it in the colors 1800 + 1532 + 1990 + 1880 please check_circle OK 08:35 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 59 minutes
a75d0158818 EMBROIDERY SP _08-46-05_LOGO AB BTP broderie.pdf for the 80mm width file without batiment travaux publics please check_circle OK 08:23 05/Nov/2024 338 hours 11 minutes