All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
67600158965 VECTOR SP _14-07-08_thumbnail_LOGO GUIBOUD retenu.jpg without the shadows for GUIBOUD please check_circle OK 13:24 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 3 minutes
8c8b0158945 CUTTING-LINES SP _12-12-31_Logo les marcheurs de lADAL.png check_circle OK 13:23 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 3 minutes
ba820158944 EMBROIDERY SP _12-07-41_IMG-20241030-WA0000.jpg urgent please check_circle OK 13:23 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 3 minutes
00c10158925 EMBROIDERY SP _11-20-40_CARROSSERIE ROSSIGNOL DOS.pdf without the part at the top please check_circle OK 10:39 07/Nov/2024 289 hours 48 minutes
bdba0158851 VECTOR SP _09-37-38_roche.png can you add "CSE" before "Transports ROCHE" please check_circle OK 13:21 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 6 minutes
35310158849 EMBROIDERY SP _09-35-37_BAUDIN DOS.pdf the attached file is the 100mm width file please check_circle OK 13:20 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 6 minutes
55450158952 EMBROIDERY SP _12-43-37_LOGO_Broderie_GarageDuDesign.pdf check_circle OK 17:19 07/Nov/2024 283 hours 7 minutes
74310158957 EMBROIDERY SP _13-52-45_PP_INGAMING_TEXTILE-BRODERIE_DOS_ADULTE_250x60.pdf check_circle OK 13:20 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 7 minutes
15ab0158966 VECTOR SP _14-08-35_Logo Blason CGBC - BLANC 4 1.png check_circle OK 13:19 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 8 minutes
73c80158968 VECTOR SP _14-12-57_logo college et prefiliere.pdf check_circle OK 10:11 06/Nov/2024 314 hours 15 minutes
87880158936 VECTOR SP _11-40-53_Final.jpg can you make it in 1 color please check_circle OK 13:11 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 16 minutes
b4fb0158918 EMBROIDERY SP _11-15-27_Fichier 4-8.png check_circle OK 17:08 18/Nov/2024 19 hours 19 minutes
0e050158919 EMBROIDERY SP _11-20-04_2.pdf urgent please check_circle OK 13:10 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 16 minutes
add60158907 VECTOR SP _11-00-00_LA PORTE DES SAVEURS.jpg can you make it in 80*80mm without the black outline please check_circle OK 13:10 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 16 minutes
c6f10158897 EMBROIDERY SP _10-43-50_Resized_image0000001005 1.jpg Can you add ledt to the text Esat in a similar font please check_circle OK 13:10 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 17 minutes
3d000158886 VECTOR SP _10-21-29_KM essen2024v4.psd can you add a background below the logo please check_circle OK 10:07 06/Nov/2024 314 hours 19 minutes
d2d90158885 EMBROIDERY SP _10-21-22_AUDE BETON.png can you put the text a bit bigger please check_circle OK 13:08 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 19 minutes
ff330158879 EMBROIDERY SP _10-14-31_EXPERIENCE BRASERO.png can you put the text a bit bigger please check_circle OK 13:08 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 19 minutes
3c940158872 EMBROIDERY SP _09-53-01_LOGO.JPG can you put the text a bit bigger please check_circle OK 10:02 07/Nov/2024 290 hours 24 minutes
c1550158959 VECTOR SP _13-56-41_SPACCANAPOLI 2.svg check_circle OK 15:58 06/Nov/2024 308 hours 29 minutes