All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
bb880158697 EMBROIDERY SP _13-58-04_logo_esprit_bois_couleur_negatif_rs 3.jpg can you put the text at the bottom on 2 lines so it can be bigger please check_circle OK 13:50 04/Nov/2024 364 hours 45 minutes
1a340158691 EMBROIDERY SP _13-51-26_reneuf.jpg can you put the red text as wide as the white text please check_circle OK 13:50 04/Nov/2024 364 hours 45 minutes
ed240158689 EMBROIDERY SP _13-48-41_KERALU-LOGO-fond gris 1.jpg can you make it in 1 green and 1 white please check_circle OK 13:49 04/Nov/2024 364 hours 46 minutes
232c0158686 EMBROIDERY SP _13-34-07_Picsart_24-06-29_15-10-26-203.png you can remove the glasses and popcorn, for the light red lines inside the chair can you put only 3 but bigger please check_circle OK 13:48 04/Nov/2024 364 hours 46 minutes
98590158674 EMBROIDERY SP _12-11-29_LogoConfortetEau.png can you make a version like the original and another version with ""nouvelle eau, nouvelle vie"" below the logo in 99mm width and with Confort d'eau centered with the logo please check_circle OK 13:43 04/Nov/2024 364 hours 52 minutes
a42c0158662 EMBROIDERY SP _11-33-42_JANTON.pdf can you make it in 1 color white without "By eqwal" and with JN in transparent please check_circle OK 11:58 05/Nov/2024 342 hours 37 minutes
a26c0158699 VECTOR SP _14-07-39_logo-spgroups-RVB.pdf check_circle OK 13:40 04/Nov/2024 364 hours 54 minutes
43680158712 VECTOR SP _14-33-27_Logo sans contour color.png check_circle OK 13:40 04/Nov/2024 364 hours 54 minutes
fcb90158714 VECTOR SP _14-36-19_osmoz.JPG check_circle OK 13:39 04/Nov/2024 364 hours 55 minutes
ecaa0158675 EMBROIDERY SP _12-15-14_Capture decran 2024-11-04 121504.png check_circle OK 13:20 04/Nov/2024 365 hours 15 minutes
00260158679 EMBROIDERY SP _12-36-28_- BAT BEBOOST 221024 SOLEIL DE LEST _ Casquette n2_OK.pdf check_circle OK 13:20 04/Nov/2024 365 hours 15 minutes
d4cb0158685 EMBROIDERY SP _13-39-55_127293 - REMA-9CM.pdf check_circle OK 13:20 04/Nov/2024 365 hours 15 minutes
5c9a0158695 VECTOR SP _13-55-32_LOGO PILOTAGE GIRONDE Xsmall.jpg check_circle OK 13:11 04/Nov/2024 365 hours 24 minutes
06f20158688 VECTOR SP _13-46-54_Capture decran 2024-11-04 a 13.46.28.png check_circle OK 13:10 04/Nov/2024 365 hours 24 minutes
8b070158684 VECTOR SP _13-25-25_VB MEnuiserie.png check_circle OK 13:10 04/Nov/2024 365 hours 24 minutes
76940158683 VECTOR SP _13-11-47_IMG-20241023-WA0001.jpg check_circle OK 13:10 04/Nov/2024 365 hours 24 minutes
a0680158682 EMBROIDERY SP _12-57-24_atlant service.pdf can you also make it in 190mm width please check_circle OK 10:53 08/Nov/2024 271 hours 41 minutes
7fdd0158681 EMBROIDERY SP _12-51-08_4.png the original file is the 230mm width file, the annex file is the 50mm high, can you replace GERMANY by FRANCE and just the color of the flag to blue white red please check_circle OK 12:05 05/Nov/2024 342 hours 30 minutes
0c240158680 VECTOR SP a828480f_2024-11-04_12-05-38_IMG-20240814-WA0001.jpg without the logo, just the shirt in 3 colors blue white and yellow please check_circle OK 13:09 04/Nov/2024 365 hours 25 minutes
3f260158677 VECTOR SP _12-32-12_Alinea a vecto.pdf check_circle OK 13:08 04/Nov/2024 365 hours 26 minutes