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Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
75fe0158725 EMBROIDERY SP _14-59-57_Logo Meert depuis 1677.jpg can you put Depuis 1677 in Madeira PolyNeon 60 please check_circle OK 15:10 04/Nov/2024 361 hours 37 minutes
fd070158723 VECTOR SP _14-54-21_logo_schatzi.pdf can you make a version in color and another version in 1 color white please check_circle OK 15:10 04/Nov/2024 361 hours 37 minutes
27300158722 VECTOR SP _14-55-07_jennifer.pdf can you make it without the white background in 230mm width please check_circle OK 15:36 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 11 minutes
b4d90158720 VECTOR SP _14-54-27_faustine.pdf can you make it without the white background in 230mm width please check_circle OK 15:36 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 11 minutes
a1dd0158719 VECTOR SP _14-53-20_candice.pdf can you keep the white background and make it in 230mm width please check_circle OK 15:36 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 11 minutes
35a40158718 EMBROIDERY SP for the 70mm width file only the C of Cercle please check_circle OK 15:08 04/Nov/2024 361 hours 39 minutes
c2320158702 EMBROIDERY SP _14-08-54_IMG_1352.jpg without the background and CrossFit pleas check_circle OK 15:04 04/Nov/2024 361 hours 43 minutes
a0f60158732 EMBROIDERY SP _15-29-06_MZK_logo_fond.transp_carre.png check_circle OK 15:00 04/Nov/2024 361 hours 47 minutes
b6050158735 EMBROIDERY SP _15-37-09_PP_FORD_TEXTILE_DOS_250x120.pdf check_circle OK 14:53 06/Nov/2024 313 hours 54 minutes
881e0158739 EMBROIDERY SP _15-39-27_- BAT BEBOOST 281024 UCAFCO _ Bonnet.pdf check_circle OK 15:00 04/Nov/2024 361 hours 47 minutes
fc390158734 VECTOR SP _15-33-53_8599052.jpg check_circle OK 14:51 04/Nov/2024 361 hours 56 minutes
84f20158737 VECTOR SP _15-38-09_Capture decran 2024-11-04 143932.png check_circle OK 14:51 04/Nov/2024 361 hours 56 minutes
e30f0158738 VECTOR SP _15-47-37_Fuchs_Outline.tif check_circle OK 14:51 04/Nov/2024 361 hours 56 minutes
e2cd0158724 EMBROIDERY SP _14-55-27_corse agru.pdf check_circle OK 14:40 04/Nov/2024 362 hours 8 minutes
1d930158727 EMBROIDERY SP _15-06-39_APOFIS.JPG check_circle OK 15:40 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 7 minutes
209b0158728 VECTOR SP _15-06-33_Logo 2 SwingieCie 1.pdf check_circle OK 14:22 04/Nov/2024 362 hours 25 minutes
25e60158729 VECTOR SP _15-16-04_gurgy.pdf check_circle OK 14:22 04/Nov/2024 362 hours 25 minutes
2b510158701 EMBROIDERY SP 7aa95aa9_2024-11-04_14-10-02_Broderie dos C5.eps check_circle OK 14:00 04/Nov/2024 362 hours 48 minutes
03870158704 EMBROIDERY SP 7ed4e959_2024-11-04_14-11-09_TDM broderie C5.eps check_circle OK 14:00 04/Nov/2024 362 hours 48 minutes
faad0158707 EMBROIDERY SP _14-17-51_globe veste-01.png check_circle OK 11:15 06/Nov/2024 317 hours 32 minutes