All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
89f20166449 EMBROIDERY SP _10-33-10_logo dos.png Black thread 1893 White thread 1801 Thanks check_circle OK 09:41 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 34 minutes
dbc00166448 EMBROIDERY SP caa4b27a_2024-12-23_10-26-02_Capture decran 2024-12-23 a 09.57.36.png check_circle OK 09:29 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 45 minutes
88020166444 EMBROIDERY SP _10-13-06_Brooklyn.png check_circle OK 09:29 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 45 minutes
62e90166443 EMBROIDERY SP _10-11-13_IMG_0032.jpg check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 46 minutes
355e0166442 EMBROIDERY SP _10-10-21_EQUIPCLUB.pdf check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 46 minutes
5c7e0166441 EMBROIDERY SP _10-09-05_hypo.png check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 46 minutes
928c0166440 EMBROIDERY SP _10-07-03_BRLR_LOGO_SWEAT.png check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 46 minutes
3ac50166439 EMBROIDERY SP _10-04-06_Logo.png check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 46 minutes
fc290166438 EMBROIDERY SP _10-01-48_basecanyon.JPG check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 46 minutes
44a00166437 EMBROIDERY SP _09-59-53_AR ZINC.png check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 46 minutes
40890166435 EMBROIDERY SP _09-58-55_Pghm Logo.pdf check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 46 minutes
c5bb0166434 VECTOR SP _09-57-24_448236598_452359314083149_1704265014600129467_n.jpg check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 46 minutes
40320166433 EMBROIDERY SP _09-54-44_BROD 780653 MC.pdf For the 90mm file don't do the text on the base line Cut the threads between the letters please check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 46 minutes
93370166432 EMBROIDERY SP _09-52-56_Felisaz Logo Brod.pdf check_circle OK 09:27 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 47 minutes
47f10166431 EMBROIDERY SP _09-51-18_BROD 780634 cut the threads between the letters please check_circle OK 09:27 23/Dec/2024 68 hours 47 minutes
bd9b0166425 EMBROIDERY SP _08-50-33_MAMIE.JPG check_circle OK 08:47 23/Dec/2024 69 hours 27 minutes
e0d40166429 EMBROIDERY SP 26aab53a_2024-12-23_09-42-18_Capture decran 2024-12-23 a 09.42.05.png check_circle OK 08:47 23/Dec/2024 69 hours 27 minutes
14fd0166430 EMBROIDERY SP _09-41-12_TRACTEUR.jpg Just do the tractor and the corn on the left check_circle OK 08:46 23/Dec/2024 69 hours 28 minutes
b3cc0166428 EMBROIDERY SP _09-33-00_Design sans titre 1.svg check_circle OK 08:42 23/Dec/2024 69 hours 32 minutes
81b60166389 VECTOR SP _17-12-09_Eo-lise Logo Def 9.pdf Font "Eo-Lise" > Amsterdam One Font "Masage Bien-ĂȘtre" > Poiret Color > #E6C068 check_circle OK 08:41 23/Dec/2024 69 hours 33 minutes