All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
3eea0166473 EMBROIDERY SP 1bb8fe32_2024-12-23_11-55-55_CDC Habitat.pdf cut the threads between the letters please And you need to do the white background please check_circle OK 11:43 23/Dec/2024 78 hours 36 minutes
cdcf0166471 VECTOR SP _12-08-39_TYPO_DEGRADE_01_CMJN 2.psd URGENT PLEASE check_circle OK 11:42 23/Dec/2024 78 hours 36 minutes
ee390166472 VECTOR SP _12-14-09_Logo AS 002.png check_circle OK 11:42 23/Dec/2024 78 hours 36 minutes
f7350166474 EMBROIDERY SP _12-36-40_Maquette cote coeur MAPIORE.pdf check_circle OK 11:42 23/Dec/2024 78 hours 37 minutes
69b70166466 EMBROIDERY SP _11-37-37_BRICE.png check_circle OK 10:59 23/Dec/2024 79 hours 20 minutes
5fb70166467 EMBROIDERY SP _11-38-54_image005.jpg check_circle OK 10:59 23/Dec/2024 79 hours 20 minutes
a06d0166452 VECTOR SP _10-40-23_summum.jpg check_circle OK 10:40 23/Dec/2024 79 hours 39 minutes
8f100166454 EMBROIDERY SP _10-42-43_artezinc.jpg check_circle OK 10:40 23/Dec/2024 79 hours 39 minutes
3b4f0166456 VECTOR SP _10-48-16_Test flocage chantier dinsertion couleur.png check_circle OK 10:39 23/Dec/2024 79 hours 39 minutes
33830166457 VECTOR SP _10-49-11_Cote Batiment.jpg check_circle OK 10:39 23/Dec/2024 79 hours 39 minutes
7b530166458 EMBROIDERY SP _10-51-39_huet.jpg Without grey background please check_circle OK 10:39 23/Dec/2024 79 hours 39 minutes
dce20166459 EMBROIDERY SP _10-51-32_TISTOU.PNG Without green background please Urgent check_circle OK 10:39 23/Dec/2024 79 hours 40 minutes
687d0166460 EMBROIDERY SP _10-52-58_BIBOUNE.PNG Without green background please Urgent please check_circle OK 10:39 23/Dec/2024 79 hours 40 minutes
e67f0166462 EMBROIDERY SP _10-59-31_LOGO DOS BLANC OK.png check_circle OK 10:38 23/Dec/2024 79 hours 40 minutes
13c30166463 EMBROIDERY SP check_circle OK 10:38 23/Dec/2024 79 hours 40 minutes
8e1d0166465 EMBROIDERY SP _11-27-00_DOUDOUNE - SU MONTREUIL NOUVELLE FRANCE - check_circle OK 10:37 23/Dec/2024 79 hours 41 minutes
89f20166449 EMBROIDERY SP _10-33-10_logo dos.png Black thread 1893 White thread 1801 Thanks check_circle OK 09:41 23/Dec/2024 80 hours 38 minutes
dbc00166448 EMBROIDERY SP caa4b27a_2024-12-23_10-26-02_Capture decran 2024-12-23 a 09.57.36.png check_circle OK 09:29 23/Dec/2024 80 hours 49 minutes
88020166444 EMBROIDERY SP _10-13-06_Brooklyn.png check_circle OK 09:29 23/Dec/2024 80 hours 50 minutes
62e90166443 EMBROIDERY SP _10-11-13_IMG_0032.jpg check_circle OK 09:28 23/Dec/2024 80 hours 50 minutes