All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
41d00152961 EMBROIDERY SP 389bc39e_2024-09-18_10-47-05_LOGO 1.jpg can you make it for a tee, softshell, sweat, and cap please check_circle OK 09:05 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 49 minutes
69530152960 VECTOR SP _10-50-26_LOGO PORTE CHAUSSEE LICORNE.png without the black parts outside the logo (keep the inside of the logo) please check_circle OK 09:04 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 49 minutes
a0f90152956 EMBROIDERY SP _10-38-53_- BAT R_ESBF_100924 n3_ok atelier.pdf check_circle OK 09:04 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 50 minutes
ef840152954 EMBROIDERY SP _10-36-12_NBO COEUR.pdf warning OK 15:33 19/Sep/2024 14 hours 21 minutes
b6de0152951 VECTOR SP _10-32-12_APFM.jpg without the white background, in 2 colors please check_circle OK 09:03 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 50 minutes
61d20152932 EMBROIDERY SP 4229a3e7_2024-09-18_09-41-22_Cryo.png without the text at the top and the black background please check_circle OK 09:03 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 50 minutes
9c350152923 VECTOR SP _09-15-29_Logo_Estudio_de_Diseno_Circular_Femenino_Rosa_y_Negro__2_-removebg-preview 1 1.png keep the white background please check_circle OK 09:02 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 51 minutes
cf660152900 EMBROIDERY SP _07-47-39_Altitude logo round unicolor red DIAM.22CM.pdf can you add a satin outline around the cercle. Can you make the white parts in transparent please check_circle OK 09:02 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 52 minutes
74310152899 EMBROIDERY SP _07-45-39_JIAE ROUGE.pdf with the white part in the J and I in transparent please check_circle OK 09:01 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 52 minutes
ff360152891 EMBROIDERY SP _07-24-09_GIE CPA SERRE EMERGENCE without the white and black background please check_circle OK 09:01 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 52 minutes
c9930152922 EMBROIDERY SP _09-11-01_Logo avant 100x21mm 1.pdf check_circle OK 09:00 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 54 minutes
7d250152926 EMBROIDERY SP _09-18-15_- BAT R 110924 BLANCHARD ELECTRICITE _ Veste polaire.pdf check_circle OK 09:00 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 54 minutes
90400152930 EMBROIDERY SP 33f89bf4_2024-09-18_09-37-35_Cryo.png check_circle OK 09:00 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 54 minutes
3c9e0152938 EMBROIDERY SP 89ba0a1f_2024-09-18_10-00-27_unnamed.png check_circle OK 09:00 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 54 minutes
0b1d0152940 EMBROIDERY SP _10-07-37_- BAT R 24_Chemise_SALON DE PROVENCE_160924 n2_ok atelier.pdf check_circle OK 09:00 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 54 minutes
b0b80152887 EMBROIDERY SP _22-42-53_logo copie.jpg only the black and orange parts please check_circle OK 08:59 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 54 minutes
4d7f0152879 EMBROIDERY SP _20-17-46_logo1 1.png with the black background in applique please check_circle OK 09:57 19/Sep/2024 19 hours 57 minutes
10910152878 EMBROIDERY SP _20-08-10_PATCH check_circle OK 09:55 19/Sep/2024 19 hours 58 minutes
857e0152877 EMBROIDERY SP 8b08c847_2024-09-17_19-13-20_tahiti.jpg check_circle OK 08:59 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 55 minutes
2c070152876 EMBROIDERY SP 6d0a211d_2024-09-17_19-05-20_abie.jpg can you complete the letters A B E please check_circle OK 08:59 18/Sep/2024 44 hours 55 minutes