All Orders - Addy

Ref Type Billing Name Comment Status Verified Date Hour
d6a40159008 VECTOR SP _16-15-21_Capture decran 2023-11-24 174200.png check_circle OK 15:32 05/Nov/2024 334 hours 59 minutes
af930159007 VECTOR SP _16-12-09_RB FERMETURES.jpg check_circle OK 15:32 05/Nov/2024 334 hours 59 minutes
8c7f0159003 VECTOR SP _16-03-46_LOGO MAZEAU .png check_circle OK 15:32 05/Nov/2024 334 hours 59 minutes
28940159001 VECTOR SP _15-59-27_Xerox Scan.pdf check_circle OK 15:32 05/Nov/2024 334 hours 59 minutes
0f100158998 EMBROIDERY SP _15-45-40_LOGO GALVA.jpg can you make it with the text like in the attached file please check_circle OK 15:32 05/Nov/2024 334 hours 59 minutes
f5590158999 VECTOR SP _15-48-35_LOGO Carriere check_circle OK 15:32 05/Nov/2024 334 hours 59 minutes
98ac0158995 VECTOR SP _15-39-11_deejay 1.png check_circle OK 15:31 05/Nov/2024 334 hours 59 minutes
952a0158994 VECTOR SP _15-38-37_Boucherie des saveurs.png check_circle OK 15:31 05/Nov/2024 334 hours 59 minutes
67a50158993 VECTOR SP _15-35-33_EYP 2024_Logo Glass of beer.jpg check_circle OK 15:31 05/Nov/2024 334 hours 59 minutes
30450158991 VECTOR SP _15-29-45_sans fond.png can you make it in 250mm maximum please check_circle OK 15:31 05/Nov/2024 334 hours 59 minutes
3ce80158990 VECTOR SP _15-29-06_logo alexis 2.png can you make it in 250mm maximum please check_circle OK 09:16 06/Nov/2024 317 hours 14 minutes
92290158989 VECTOR SP _15-28-26_Blue Volleyball Sports team Logo.png can you make it in 250mm maximum please check_circle OK 15:30 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 1 minutes
4a490159004 EMBROIDERY DVS 6-04-58_logo_coeur.png check_circle OK 15:20 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 11 minutes
295e0158985 EMBROIDERY SP _15-15-52_batt.png urgent please check_circle OK 14:34 05/Nov/2024 335 hours 57 minutes
494a0158942 EMBROIDERY SP _11-45-21_LOGO ALM Detection.jpg Bonjour , je ne veux pas Tous le dégrader sur la photo sur mon logo je veux que 3 couleurs sur le logo 2 bleu et un peu de blanc Du noir dans le lettrage et le lettrage d'en bas bleu aussi merci bien check_circle OK 11:09 13/Nov/2024 147 hours 22 minutes
ecb30158949 EMBROIDERY SP _12-21-11_sdnugh36xekaxb50v20240530105032.jpg without the background, only YODA and the paint stains please check_circle OK 13:27 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 4 minutes
67600158965 VECTOR SP _14-07-08_thumbnail_LOGO GUIBOUD retenu.jpg without the shadows for GUIBOUD please check_circle OK 13:24 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 7 minutes
8c8b0158945 CUTTING-LINES SP _12-12-31_Logo les marcheurs de lADAL.png check_circle OK 13:23 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 7 minutes
ba820158944 EMBROIDERY SP _12-07-41_IMG-20241030-WA0000.jpg urgent please check_circle OK 13:23 05/Nov/2024 337 hours 7 minutes
00c10158925 EMBROIDERY SP _11-20-40_CARROSSERIE ROSSIGNOL DOS.pdf without the part at the top please check_circle OK 10:39 07/Nov/2024 291 hours 52 minutes